REAL ID Trojan horse for global take over - Snowden Warns of Global controls - TOM FITTON JUDICAL WATCH WARNS OREGON OF LAWSUIT - TUNE IN AND SHARE NOW!

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Speaker 1:

Are you, are you coming to the dream where I told you to run so we'd both be free. Strange things did happen again, how strange would it be

Speaker 2:

If the road were easy, everyone would take it. We don't shy away from challenges. We dive in. And now live from an undisclosed location in FEMA Region 10, it's your host, Joshua Michael.

Speaker 3:

Alright, folks. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 1 and only noncompliant America. I am your infamous host, Joshua Michael. Thank you very much. I wanna give a shout out to all my haters, and I also wanna give a shout out to all my, all my friends and and fans.

Speaker 3:

It is you, the Remnant, that's listening to the show that has the discernment to cut through the cracks of the nonsense and dive a little bit deeper into the situation with what's going on. You are the future. You are the people that are going to help steer the sheet in one of 2 directions. If you're able to open up conversations and and not sway people, but let them know that we are not in Kansas anymore. We are in a situation that there are traps being laid out all the way around us, and why everybody is distracted talking about camel toe Harris, in the potential nominee, which keep in mind, she's not the nominee yet.

Speaker 3:

Talking about all her distractions of how incompetent and this and that. She was the borders are. She wasn't the borders are. And all this crap, We need to understand that those are all distractions. Those are all meant to burn the clock out into where we then run out of time to actually file and petition and and and become aware of all the traps that are being set out in front of us.

Speaker 3:

Because just because Trump didn't get assassinated, doesn't mean that they're not gonna try again and again and again and again. I believe that they will continue to try. I don't think they'll be successful. I think they were planning on getting away with their last assassination and by them, you know, we could talk about NASA being the head of the snake, and one of the deep state organizations that is running a lot of these operations, or you can say CIA, the FB LIE, whatever you wanna do. I wanna talk about some of these traps that are being set out in front of us.

Speaker 3:

One of the main ones that nobody's talking about nobody's talking about it is the Real ID. It's coming May 7th next year. Now, all the states have passed this. This is a federal ID system, and it was passed by congress in 2005 by the 9:11 Commission. The 9:11 Commission that essentially didn't determine anything.

Speaker 3:

They still said it was Osama Bin Laden that did it. Do you see where the tea leaves are going? Do you see where these giant black swan events and how dangerous they are, but more importantly, how they use it to set precedent for further taking away our rights, further destroying our freedoms, and giving more monitor based systems. What was the outcome from 911? The setup of the Department of Homeland Security.

Speaker 3:

Department of Homeland Security oversees all the agencies, and they're supposed to quote unquote protect us from terrorism. Meanwhile, they classify terrorists as being, you know, white supremacists as the number one threat in America. The act implementing regulations to establish a mini minimum security standard for license issues and the production and prohibit federal to the production and prohibit federal agencies from accepting for certain official purposes, quote, unquote non compliant driver's licenses and identification cards. The official purpose covered by this act is accessing certain federal facilities, that's where it's gonna start, boarding federally regulated commercial aircraft, and entering nuclear power plants. Do you think in what stretch of the imagination do we think that it's just gonna stop there?

Speaker 3:

This is the introduction to the CBDC program that's gonna monetize and track your finances. It's gonna give companies like Visa, Mastercard, and American Express, and your bank the ability to monitor your transactions and have discernment on whether the transaction is valid or not. They will then be able to determine let me get this through your head. They're trying to be able to determine whether you can travel, whether you can buy certain items, whether you can use your money and your resources post tax, which is supposed to be free, they're gonna have the infrastructure through this Real ID system, through the Department of Homeland Security, through your banking system, collaborating with all of the major credit card agencies. Keep in mind, the credit card agencies have already adopted onto this system, which is the CBDC system.

Speaker 3:

Why is this so important? Because this is front and center coming. May 7, 2025, the Real ID Act is set to take place, and the states have already adopted it. It's a, quote, unquote, secure driver's license identification documents are vital component of our of our national security framework. Why is nobody talking about this?

Speaker 3:

This is the Trojan horse. This is the snake in the grass. This is the ultimate black swan. Whether Trump gets in or not, These are states acting on behalf of the states collaborating with the federal government. This is a clear violation of states' rights and the ability to do so.

Speaker 3:

And they're trying to restrict your travel if you don't sign on to this. Now, how is that any better? How is this system going to be any better than the existing, you know, TSA groping, and, you know, TSA in the nineties was like no big deal. Meanwhile, the border is wide open. They've let probably they've only tracked about 20,000,000 people, but that's only about 1 sixth of what Border Patrol says that actually crosses the border.

Speaker 3:

5 6th of people are quote unquote getaways, which means they weren't able to track them, and they weren't able to even monitor who came through. Imagine that. We're being destroyed in all accounts, and you're paying for it. Your tax dollars are paying for it. Your hard earned money, any of your pensions, any of your future savings that you have, any property that you have, anything like that, all of that is up for grabs.

Speaker 3:

Now, why are we talking about this? Because this is the this is the front and center thing that's going to imprison this country forever if we allow this to happen. Now, that's why I talk about silver. That's why I talk about gold. A lot of you say, well, what do we do with that?

Speaker 3:

How are we gonna go buy things? How are we gonna go to the grocery store with silver? Well, you're not gonna be able to go to the grocery store with silver because guess what? They're gonna be adopting the new banking system, And if you don't go along with it, just like if you don't wear a mask, you don't get to get on the plane, you don't take the vaccine, you can't keep your job. Do you see the correlation here?

Speaker 3:

Do you see that? That was all simply a beta test for them to test all their centralization systems in order to test to see, 1, the compliance level. They did a bunch of different things checking the compliance level. But 2, they wanted to find out who all the dissenting voices are, and where the cracks are in their ironclad stronghold, and how we are able to break through it, how we were able to stand up. Notice, the minute we all stood up is the minute everything went away.

Speaker 3:

The minute we all said, you know what? Do whatever you want. We're not gonna go along with it is the minute it all went away. That emphasizes the power that we have within the people which is why this message is so important, which is why this is called non compliant America. It's just because noncompliance is key to everything.

Speaker 3:

And you can practice noncompliance legally, peacefully, in every way, in every aspect of your life. Part of doing that is starting a garden, is buying some Bitcoin or Monero or privacy tokens, which I think is a slippery slope because the trump card is if they disable the Internet and they have another cyber attack like they did with CrowdStrike, that was another beta test, they could simply cut off some of your resources, which is why it's good to diversify and get into other things. Now, Edwards Edward Snowden had a very powerful speech. It's just a 2 minute little segment I'm gonna play, but it's very important that we understand what he's trying to say and how he is crystallizing how this banking system works. Take a listen.

Speaker 4:

You're liberal. Doesn't matter whether you're conservative. If you stick out, if you stand out, you're going to become non normative, or rather anomalous. What I am afraid, is likely to happen quite quickly. All of the transaction information that they can get, well, the Bitcoin blockchain is available for anyone for free at any time.

Speaker 4:

Right? And how do you train these models? You need learning sets. You need training data. You need data sets.

Speaker 4:

So they're gonna pull everything they can, They're gonna feed it through these things and they're going to try to teach them originally. I think this is going to be the easiest thing. What does a normal transaction look like? You know, what do 95% look like? And then they're just gonna go, what is anomalous?

Speaker 4:

What is strange? What is unusual? What doesn't quite fit? And then they're gonna go from that's a 5% probability down to 3% probability, then try to get it smaller and smaller and smaller, until they can just basically have people that are getting reports spit out on their desk, little, you know, chat messages to their terminal, basically. They're saying this just happened.

Speaker 4:

This just happened. This just happened. Do you want to continue? And that banking officer is going to get a click okay to continue on your life, on your ability to transact, on your ability to trade. It's not just going to be Bitcoin.

Speaker 4:

It's going to be Visa. It's going to be Mastercard. It's going to be everywhere. It's going to be PayPal, Right? Whether you're subscribing to an OnlyFans account or something like that, which, you know, is a very common thing, but something that a lot of aren't going to admit to, they're not gonna be proud of.

Speaker 4:

Right? That's going to start, making these institutions go, oh, do we wanna continue our business association with these people? Is there a brand risk? I think we really need to think about, how do we secure the transactions on the Bitcoin network moving forward? I have said this for 10 years.

Speaker 4:

I have been ignored for 10 years. Well, we're running out of runway. And again, right now, every time you're on this network, and I love this network. I've used it many times. You are going to be adding to the dataset.

Speaker 4:

The space for everyone else to have any kind of private interaction diminishes.

Speaker 3:

That's right. So as the interaction, as the non secure elements, and the openness of Bitcoin, they're saying that they're gonna try to use it against us. And what is that going to signify? But also, if you didn't catch the little tea leaves in there, as this more control grid system infrastructure gets put in, they are then going to use it as a blank space to where it's easy to determine based on the general population and the things that they're doing versus the things that you're doing, there's going to be an offset. There's going to be an omitted set of date data to where they're gonna know that you're actively participating in trying to get off the grid because you're gonna be missing some things.

Speaker 3:

You follow me? So they have the definition of all of the, normal transactions of people, and they're gonna be able to see if you're not opting into that system because everybody else is gonna opt into the system. And you're just gonna have, like, a blank chart, and they're gonna be like, oh, yeah. That guy's living off grid. Oh, yeah.

Speaker 3:

That guy's anonymous. Oh, yeah. He's trying to bump the system. He's trying to not cooperate with this new tyrannical takeover that we have. So we gotta talk about that.

Speaker 3:

We gotta talk about how we preserve ourselves, but more importantly, that's why we have to get this message out. Because if we all decide as a population that we're not gonna go along with this system, they're not gonna be able to put it in play. But a lot of you guys aren't thinking about it, and it's coming, folks. We'll be right back. It's that daily routine, but y'all knew that.

Speaker 3:

Alright. We're getting into some real topics, some real situations, some real things that I think should be pushing and should be talked about. Just on a side note here, there is a new report, by the Raw Egg Nationalists, phenomenal health nutritionist talking about fluoride exposure during pregnancy is now linked to neurobehavioral issues in children. So when you're looking at the gen alpha, which are probably the most beta generation that's ever existed. Pregnant women who drink fluoridated water are exposing their babies to significantly increased risk of serious neurobehavioral issues according to this new study.

Speaker 3:

Just under 75% of the US population receives fluoridated water at a targeted concentrate of 0.7 milligrams per liter, which is an astonishing amount. So if you're not filtering your water or getting that fluoride out of there, I know I talk about water distillersation, water distilling all the time. You know, I'm going on almost 2 months of a water distiller, and it is phenomenal. But we need to stay in attack formation in regards to all the attacks that are happening around our lives every single day in every element. We need to stay in attack formation.

Speaker 3:

Yes. Trump didn't get assassinated. That's great. Yes. We're winning the hearts and minds of people.

Speaker 3:

People are waking up in droves everywhere. More and more and more and more people are coming to the side of truth and the side of integrity, the the side of transparency, and we got a massive amount of things happening in Oregon. I'm gonna get to I can't say too much yet, but let's just say all the Rhino Republicans, all the grifters, and all the people that have been obscuring and diverting off of the party and causing all this end fighting garbage, and it's caused a lot of good Oregon people, good Republicans to go to NAVs and move away from the party because they're disgusted by the lack of progress and the chicken neck milk toast, people that just somehow end up taking the helm and then do nothing and or cut deals with the Democrats that only take us 2 steps back. All that, folks, is gonna go away. I can guarantee you, and I make my promise right now.

Speaker 3:

There's gonna be good, ave active people, the people that we like, the people that represent us, the people that listen to the population, the people that listen to the public to listen to the Oregonians, what we want, that's what's coming. All these rhinos are gonna get the carpet ripped out from under them. I'm just that's all I'm gonna say. And they don't even know it's coming except this message right here. So the new Republican Party is coming to Oregon.

Speaker 3:

Rest assured and be very, very, very excited for it. I am because there's some hope. We could turn the state red because it is red. You think that Multnomah County controls everything? You think Eugene controls everything?

Speaker 3:

It doesn't. The fact the reality is is too many good people have been sitting down or have their head in the sand for too long, and it's not gonna happen anymore because we're paving a path that's gonna be along Trump's agenda, the Make America Great Again, the Make Oregon Great Again movement. People are ready for it. We're in the 4th turning. We only got a 100 days till the most important election in our history, and guaranteed they're gonna be doing a massive amount of turmoil and chaos just like everybody's fallen into this Kamala thing.

Speaker 3:

They're gonna be continuing to ramp it up and turn the heat up. You don't have to engage in a defensive posture against the propaganda AI CIA machine because that's what it is. A lot of it's AI. A lot of it's bots. You You guys think that you're talking to people online, making a point, defending yourself.

Speaker 3:

Stop defending yourself. Go offensive. Talk about all the good things. Talk about what you want. Talk about what we stand for.

Speaker 3:

Talk about all of these things. Talk about good people that we wanna prop up and support. That's how we get through this thing. That's how you counter the bad propaganda. Trust me.

Speaker 3:

This PR, despite the polls, despite everything, they're not getting through to the people. You can't go on national television, tell everybody we have the best economy in the world, and nobody's coming across the border. We have the most secure border in the world. We have all of this stuff. That is the ultimate gaslighting nonsense.

Speaker 3:

There are my might be some people that believe it, but the majority of people are have enough discernment at this point. They're like, that's a bunch of BS, and so they're going not going along with it, which is why Trump has had the biggest rallies, biggest movement, and it's not all about Trump. It's about you. It's about me. It's about us.

Speaker 3:

It's about our community. It's about the things that we are able to set up and do and prepare for this thing. These people think that they're too big to fail. These people think that you're weak. These people think that they already got you, which is why they're just giving you some more bread and circuses and some some things to talk about.

Speaker 3:

Because they want you off kilter. They want you not in attack formation. We all need to be the very, very vigilant and stop going on vacation every weekend, and get into building your life and preparing for this future collapse because I guarantee you, it's coming. It's coming, folks. It's coming.

Speaker 3:

It's on its way any day now. Probably gonna happen on a Friday. So you'll have the whole weekend to panic, and you won't be able to get the money out of the bank. You won't be able to do anything as. And maybe maybe your, cell phones won't even work.

Speaker 3:

They might do it at the same time. I doubt it, but they might do it at the same time. They need the chaos. Speaking of chaos, we had a massive riot and, everything going on in DC with the Palestine, anti Palestine or excuse me, anti Israel groups AKA the new Antifa groups attacking all these monuments, spray painting them, everything else? How many were arrests were there?

Speaker 3:

Why why aren't they calling that an insurrection? Why are they letting that happen? The same reason they let the Black Lives Matter protests happen during the lockdowns because guess what? If you're protesting, you can't get COVID. If you're protesting for Black Lives Matter, you can't get COVID.

Speaker 3:

The ridiculousness, stop accepting it. The way that you fight back is you become noncompliant. You become self sufficient. You become aware of these things. You disconnect from the media propaganda of BS.

Speaker 3:

And buddy of mine, he stopped watching TV. All he watches now is do it yourself videos, and he's learning how to hunt. He's learning how to fish. He's learning how to grow a garden. He's learning how to fix his own stuff.

Speaker 3:

He's doing all that stuff. He doesn't watch TV anymore, and that's a way that you can store yourself.

Speaker 2:

It's time to unmask the truth and expose the lies. The occupied forces do not want

Speaker 5:

you to hear this broadcast. Breaking through the censorship and delivering raw unedited content

Speaker 3:

right now and what's going on. In case you guys haven't seen, judicial watch threatens to sue the Oregon over their dirty voter rolls. And, this is a great move to have Tom

Speaker 5:

Fenton get Oregon in his

Speaker 3:

sights and understand that, you know, we've never cleaned out our voter rolls in the state ever. There's people from 6, 7, 8 years ago. Oregon has never cleaned out their voter rolls.

Speaker 5:

And what

Speaker 3:

does that mean? What you say, Josh, why do we have to clean out our voter rolls? Because what happens is these corrupt agencies and organizations, they're mostly nonprofits that collaborate with the Democrats and the Republicans for that matter, the old Republicans, the old guard, the people that nobody likes, the ever the people that everybody grew glad hands and tries to get money, but those people are all going away. They're gonna go away. They're gonna kick and scream and try to subvert and do everything kinda like the whole, ORP that got sued couple weeks ago.

Speaker 3:

Right after the Trump assassination, they tried to sue the ORP and the Republican National Convention and tried to get a bunch of money out of them and everything else. Vance Day was the representative for all these grifters, in the Republican Party they're just mad because they're losing they're mad because we're winning they're mad because the the messaging of the people is starting to get out there, but we don't need to talk about them because they're kind of irrelevant at this point. So Tom Fenton, is threatening to sue the Oregon government. This is great news for us. Take a listen.

Speaker 6:

Major election registration rolls or face a potential federal lawsuit. We sent the warning letter after the data shows that upwards of 5 counties haven't removed any names or virtually no names from their roles as federal law requires. Another nearly 40 counties don't really have any data about what they did. So the voting roles in Oregon are a mess, and, Judicial Watch demanded they clean up, provide us more information, or they'll face a federal lawsuit. We're already in court against Illinois and in California in 2 separate lawsuits to clean up the rolls there.

Speaker 6:

Millions of names are at issue. Judicial Watch has had massive success in this area. Just in the last year or 2, we've caused the removal of 4,000,000 names from the voting rolls. Dirty voting rolls can mean dirty elections, and judicial watch aims to clean them up.

Speaker 3:

That's phenomenal news that now we're getting a national spotlight on how dysfunctional our voting system is, and Judicial Watch is the top class, organization to do it. Clearly, they've already set precedent, with Illinois in the success of that that what they had in removing those voter rolls. 4,000,000 votes is a lot in an election. That's more people than that are in the state that are citizens. There's probably more than 4 people in the state that are if you count the noncitizens that, the Democrats are harboring.

Speaker 3:

But that's great news for us because now we're getting support. I've reached out to Tom Fitton. I'm trying to get him on the show. I wanna have a conversation about this lawsuit. I wanna talk about, you know, what it's gonna entail and what we can do and what you can do, to do it.

Speaker 3:

Kind of on a personal note, I mentioned a little bit on Jeff's show, yesterday talking about these little envelopes that I've been getting in my mailbox. Now this is a really, really weird thing. I also, sent it over to Tom Fenton as well because it's interesting. It's super interesting. I've been getting these brown envelopes.

Speaker 3:

For example, one of them says it's addressed to Madison Davidson. The other one is Shannon Rodriguez. The other one is Jessica Inman. And then I got another one yesterday for, Jonathan Inman. So these people I I gotta look them up and see if these people even exist.

Speaker 3:

But what does this mean? What does it signify? Is it is this the ActBlue situation that Project Veritas has been exposing with the fraudulent voting and fraudulent donations that have been coming from different households all over the country. There's an investigative reporter. I'll see if I can find it on the next segment, and I'll play a little clip of it.

Speaker 3:

There's a reporter. He's going around, and he's following up with some of these major large donors and sometimes multiple people sometimes there's 30 people donating from the same address. And this investigative reporter, independent journalist who worked with Project Veritas, I think he's at oh my god or OMG Media, which is the new Project Veritas, with James O'Keefe, is that he's interviewing these people, and it's usually you know, it's a it's a it's a old couple or a single widow, something like that, somebody in her eighties, nineties. And, they live by themselves, and they're like, hey. Are you donating to this organization called ActBlue?

Speaker 3:

You know, it looks like you've been making donations of 3 to 4 to $500 a month for the past 2 years, or you've looks like you've accumulated over $20,000 in donations to these people. Can we verify if you did that? And they're like, I don't even know what you're talking about. I don't even know who you are. I don't even know this organization.

Speaker 3:

I don't donate to these guys yada yada yada. So what's happening, this is the this is the challenge with big data. This is the challenge with AI. This is the challenge with all these systems. These organizations are dredging up information.

Speaker 3:

They're finding the low bearing fruit, and they are using the system and the loopholes and the unaccountability, kinda like Oregon, has unaccountability in regards to their voter rolls, and they're not checking it. They're not verifying addresses. They're not verifying names. They're not assuring this if you're a Democrat. But if you're a Republican, oh, man.

Speaker 3:

If your signature doesn't quite match, they're not gonna count your vote. But what they're doing is that they're filling up these ballot boxes with fake names and diluting the water so much. Now, where have we seen this before? This is very similar to what Google does. This is why it's extremely difficult to cooperate with Google, and that's why they broke the search engine is because what do they do?

Speaker 3:

They dilute the searches with all the propaganda that they want to where it's really hard to decipher fact versus fiction. If you get a 100 articles that are posted up that says, you know, the sky is green. Right? Well, we all can look outside and say, well, the sky is blue. Sometimes, you know, it's darker blue, it's orange if there's smoke out there or something like that, But we can all decipher it and say, well, no, it's not.

Speaker 3:

But all these articles are gonna have all of these ridiculous arguments, which are mostly AI generated now, and it's all a weapon to get people to eventually become impressionable. And this is what they did with COVID, how eventually everybody started putting a mask on, and it became so tightened and so, socially odd to not have a mask that it most people just caved into that. So it's a psychological game, and the same thing is happening with the voter roll system. It becomes very difficult when the voter rolls are so diluted and unverified, it's hard for us and the vote counters and the overseers and anybody else to be able to see and decipher what's real and what's not. But back to these envelopes.

Speaker 3:

So I reached out to Tom Fitton. He I haven't heard a response yet. I got some other people trying to do a backdoor. I wanna get him on and have a conversation about what he's gonna do and this suit over these dirty voter rolls that are happening in Oregon. Because keep in mind folks, we only got a 100 days.

Speaker 3:

We only got a 100 days, and they're planning on stealing everything, which is why they put somebody that's only was only polling 2% of the Democratic primaries. 2%, then she dropped out. She didn't even make it to top 3 during the primaries. And now she's supposed to be able to beat Trump? Come on, guys.

Speaker 3:

Let's all fall into this nonsense. And all these, you know, right wing Republican talking heads that are pushing this crap and trying to push all these new talking points about Kamala, we need to be talking about the imprisonment, the virtual imprisonment that is underway right now. We need to be talking about how to get off the system and out of this infrastructure and counter it, parallel construct an economy to get out of this stuff. That's what needs to be front and center of the talking points. That's the things that people need to be talking about, and keeping Trump alive.

Speaker 3:

We need to get him to the finish line. That's key because it'll revoke all these executive orders. I'm not very happy about Vance or, JD Vance. He's not he wasn't my even top five. He's not somebody I'd put in.

Speaker 3:

I don't care what he's saying now. It's what he's done. It's his actions. It's who he was. And speaking of actions, I wanna talk about Ivan Raikland.

Speaker 3:

I wanna get him on the show as well and talk about this whistle whistleblower's guide to amnesty that he's put out. He's put out a warning to all whistleblowers in all ranking governments, and give them an opportunity to reach out and blow the whistle on the corruption that's going on in these deep state bureaucracies. He's calling it the mother of all Twitter files, and he's saying that it's imminent. What this is is that he has all the records. Well, Elon Musk has all the records, but he's working with Elon Musk to do a massive data dump, and this is gonna happen on September 3rd.

Speaker 3:

So keep in mind, they're now aware of this and now expect another type black swan event to happen around September 3rd. But this is the last day of retribution, and he's gonna offer amnesty to anyone who comes forth as a whistleblower from the US government, executive, legislative, judicial branches, and here's the guide for seeking that. I'm gonna post that in my x today. I'll put it on my x page as well as the podcast. But keep in mind, folks, you gotta stay frosty because things are getting real interesting.

Speaker 3:

We'll be right back.

Speaker 7:

Me and my buddy, we making all of this money. Yeah. I know it's rude to be bragging. They never catching the slack. Me and my buddy, we working hard for

Speaker 3:

Alright. Last segment. Just wanna give a shout out to all my listeners and everybody listening, paying attention, understanding. We are in a battle, battle, folks. And the deep state better run because we're coming, folks.

Speaker 3:

This before my The insurgence of the resurrecting of the American system is underway, and you are witnessing it firsthand. We're gonna go in the history books

Speaker 5:

I say to

Speaker 7:

you, buddy, it's

Speaker 3:

as the generation that has subverted the most sophisticated takeover ever to be done. They've been working on this for a very, very, very, very, very long time. Now, talking about this mother of all Twitter files is imminent, by Ivan Franklin who's heading it. There's some very very good videos that he's been posting on his Twitter. You can follow him in at Ivan Raikland, and he's amazing work.

Speaker 3:

And a lot of people will say, oh, this is cue stuff. He's falling into, you know, the cue traps. This is never gonna happen, everything else. Look at what Ivan's been talking about for years for years. But there's also another video, very powerful video.

Speaker 3:

It's only a few minutes long, that talks to one of the mister Crane, the congressman, is talking to, a gal in the FBI. And he's talking to her, and it's such a it's such a crystallizing video, and he does such a phenomenal job because this is the sentiment that's going on all around the government. And these are things that Ivan ranklin is doing and his team. Not just him, but just a lot of things that he's doing that is demonstrating how the system is falling apart. And just like you corner rats or you corner a dog and the dog feels, helpless, and the dog feels it's got no other choice, guess what it's gonna do?

Speaker 3:

It will bite you, even a poodle. If you if you back up any dog into the corner, it's going to react when it feels it has no other option. And these people are like cornered rats. They're leaving the sinking ship which is why you have Zuckerberg talking about, you know, he likes Trump now and all this stuff is because they know they're losing. Because you, the listener, and all the people out there all across this country and all across the world are starting to realize that we're in a war, and we gotta fight back.

Speaker 3:

There's an active coup going on in the federal government with the Democrats trying to subvert all the elections, disenfranchise all the Democrats, and all their voting systems. I mean, why aren't the Democrats pissed off about that? I'd be absolutely upset if they try to install a candidate because blubbering Biden decided to step down last minute, and they're trying to put her in the race prior to them even having an election. And Trump gave a really good statement, I'll get to that, talking about the general elections debate. He said, given the continued political chaos surrounding Crooked Joe Biden and the Democratic Party, general election debate details cannot be finalized until Democrats formally decide on their nominee.

Speaker 3:

There's a strong sense by many that the Democratic Party, namely Barack Hussein Obama, that Kamala Harris is a Marxist fraud who cannot be president, cannot beat the president, and they're still holding out for someone better. Therefore, it'd be inappropriate to schedule things with Harris because Democrats will continue to change their minds. Now, what does he know? One of his top people, one of his confidantes, his best friends, Roger Stone he's been talking about it for over two and a half years that Big Mike AKA Michelle Obama is going to be the nominee. And so where everybody's falling in on this Kamala thing, I still believe Big Mike's probably gonna be on the ticket.

Speaker 3:

They're gonna figure out a way. They still have time. There's almost 3 weeks, little less than 3 weeks until they're gonna have their convention. Now, what's gonna happen between then? Who knows what kind of chaos is gonna endure?

Speaker 3:

We all have to be very vigilant, and there's been a massive, massive investigation on this Trump assassination, all by citizen journalists that have been doing a phenomenal job. You know, it looks like they're coming to some pretty good conclusions that are reasonable and everything else. But listen to this clip of mister Crane. This shows the sentiment of the American people, and he crystallizes it so well. But think about being in that seat and where this lady sits and how she reacts.

Speaker 3:

Take a listen.

Speaker 8:

Miss Murphy, you work for the FBI. Is that correct?

Speaker 9:

Yes, sir.

Speaker 8:

Do you know what elite capture is?

Speaker 9:

Yes, sir.

Speaker 8:

Ideological appeal and even blackmail. Are you familiar with techniques, ma'am?

Speaker 9:

I am familiar with those techniques.

Speaker 8:

Nation state that wants to compromise US officials?

Speaker 9:

I don't know that I've seen them personally.

Speaker 8:

Miss Murphy, does it concern you some of the, revelations that have been coming out of the oversight committee about the 1,000,000 of dollars that have been paid to the Biden family.

Speaker 9:

I'm not aware of money being paid to the Biden family.

Speaker 8:

No. You're not aware of that at all? No, sir.

Speaker 9:

I'm so damn proud of him. He has enormous talent. He's a brilliant young man. You know what I mean? He's

Speaker 8:

You, ma'am, you sit here before the Homeland Security Committee. Our job is to protect the homeland, and you act as if you don't know anything about it.

Speaker 9:

Were you aware that the FBI had Hunter Biden's laptop since December of 2019?

Speaker 5:

I can't speak to exactly when we had a

Speaker 3:


Speaker 9:

Yes or no? I understand why American people should be concerned about the threat from the Chinese Communist Party.

Speaker 8:

Are you connecting the dots at all? No, sir. You don't connect the dots? Everybody knows in this town what's going on. Everybody knows what's coming out of these committee hearings right now.

Speaker 8:

And it's pretty sad coming from somebody who, as a young man, wanted to be a part of your organization. And now the American people hardly trust the FBI. The American people, quite honestly, are wondering why Hunter Biden is still walking the streets. Everybody in this country knows that if the FBI and our DOJ had the type of damning information, hard evidence, bank records, etcetera, on the money laundering that this president, his family have been up to, and their names were Eric and Don Junior, we wouldn't even be having this hearing. They'd be in jail

Speaker 9:

Over a long, long time.

Speaker 8:

What do you think about the whistleblower that just said I can't do it anymore? Do you feel like they betrayed the institution, or are you glad that they're up here?

Speaker 9:

Nobody believes it except of his and his good friend, Rudy Giuliani. You know, like, I support the FBI. I think the FBI does amazing work. Oh, son of a shit.

Speaker 3:

Is there a

Speaker 8:

part of you, though, that feels torn, ma'am? Like like the whistle blowers that are coming up here now in droves that just say I can't, I can't do it anymore. I didn't swear an oath to the FBI. Is there a part of you that feels torn or not at all?

Speaker 3:

Speechless. Ma'am, I'm asking you

Speaker 8:

a serious question.

Speaker 9:

Sir, I'm very proud to work for the FBI.

Speaker 5:

What I find in talking to Americans is a widespread, even resounding appreciation and respect for the men and women of the FBI.

Speaker 9:

That's not what I asked you, ma'am.

Speaker 8:

I asked you if you feel torn.

Speaker 9:

Not at the least.

Speaker 8:

Not the slightest. Mhmm. Well, that's that's pretty sad, ma'am.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Yeah. So that's what gaslighting sounds like. I'll post the video. It's up on my ex if you wanna check me out.

Speaker 3:

Follow me at noncompliantaf. You're listening to Joshua Michael with Noncompliant America. Now what do we what's the recap of the show? Noncompliance is key to everything. Don't get distracted.

Speaker 3:

Don't fall into these media traps. Don't fall into the propaganda of them trying to stir everybody up and thinking Kamala's gonna win, and she's gonna be the candidate. She's gonna be the nominee. You know? Coming from Trump's mouth himself, he doesn't even believe that.

Speaker 3:

What does he know that we don't know? Let's not all fall into that, and let's focus on our lives, focus on our futures, and focus on parallel constructing and countering these systems. How are we gonna counter the Real ID infrastructure once it rolls out? Because I guarantee, once the Real ID system comes out, it's gonna be a hell of a lot harder to unwind out of this trap. It's gonna be a hell of a lot harder to have any types of freedoms in this country.

Speaker 3:

They're gonna clamp everything down by next year, and they're already planning it. They've already put in the infrastructure. They've been talking about Real ID for years. So what are you gonna do? What are you gonna do?

Speaker 3:

It's all up to us with what we can do and getting this information out there, sending it to your friends and family, supporting us. Follow me at noncompliantafonx or go to We got a huge merch booth that's getting ready to to launch on the website. We're getting ready to overhaul it. Operation 1776 is underway.

Speaker 3:

You're listening to Joshua Michael. We'll see you next week.

REAL ID Trojan horse for global take over - Snowden Warns of Global controls - TOM FITTON JUDICAL WATCH WARNS OREGON OF LAWSUIT - TUNE IN AND SHARE NOW!
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