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Speaker 1:

Dollar Tree closing 600 stores this year. CVS closing 900 stores. Through the end of this year, Walgreens closing a 150 stores. Outback Steakhouse has already closed 40 of its restaurants. UPS is cutting 12,000 jobs in 2024.

Speaker 1:

Citigroup cutting 20,000 positions as well. EBay, why not? Thousand jobs lost there. Microsoft, cutting 1900 positions. Expedia cutting 1500.

Speaker 1:

Cisco cutting 4,000. Apple cutting 600. It's entertainment too. Regal Cinemas closing 429 locations. Kroger's grocery store chain shutting down 413 stores.

Speaker 1:

It's not affordable to be in retail anymore. Foot Locker, closing 400 stores by 2026. Macy's will close a 150 locations by 2026. Walmart, already this year, has closed 6 of its supercenters.


If tomorrow were easy, everyone would take it. We don't shy away from challenges. We dive in. And now live from an undisclosed location in FEMA Region 10, it's your host, Joshua Michael.

Joshua Michael:

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to non compliant America. I'm your host, Joshua Michael. Thanks for joining me today on this glorious Saturday. Less than 90 days until the biggest election in history. And boy, is it not boring.

Joshua Michael:

There's all kinds of things going on in the world, and we wanna try to cover them. I wanna get into the economy first and foremost. As you know, these past couple days, both Thursday Friday, we've had, phenomenal losses in the stock market. And what does that signify? That means that the doors are about to fly off the shelves, in regards to supplies, material, infrastructure, all of this stuff.

Joshua Michael:

Because let's remember, it's always been broken. It's been broken for a while now. But now, the public, and they're starting to let you know the sheep that we all are, we still have to listen to the mainstream media to be told what to do. And so in that, I wanna go into, some of some news here with the economy, talking about the jobs reports that have forced the Fed to have a quote, unquote hard landing. I also wanna go into, Trump talking about Bitcoin and how Bitcoin plays a part in this situation, how you can preserve your wealth if you become, savvy enough to be able to move things over to Bitcoin, how does that play into this just like gold and silver, which I believe gold and silver are drastically being manipulated because they should be through the roof right now.

Joshua Michael:

And the fact that they're not only signifies that that system on how it's being valued and all the shorts that these major, major billionaire companies are doing to keep the gold and silver prices low. Because with the amount of inflation and the cost of living and everything else and just the overall value of the dollar, the gold and silver markets should be way higher than they are. And there's a breaking point that a lot of, economists are talking about, that there is going to be a moment where the dam falls in regards to their stronghold that they're trying to hold things back on. That's gonna break and then gold and silver are gonna shot shoot through the roof. I think Bitcoin's gonna ex experience the same type of thing except I do think Bitcoin in some cases is better, and it creates more anonymity.

Joshua Michael:

It's more security. You know, you can travel with it. You can have $50,000,000 on your phone, and nobody would ever know versus you get $50,000,000 in gold or silver. You know, you're gonna have to bring a truck, then you gotta hide it and everything else. But the tangible element is important considering about the warning that the FBI and the CISA, they warn of potential upcoming cyberattacks and the infrastructure for the election system.

Joshua Michael:

Now, this kind of goes in tandem with the CrowdStrike, this goes in tandem with the DMV hacks, this goes in tandem with all the the cyber things. So what was the other one? Experian? Not Experian. One of the credit agencies had their database hacked.

Joshua Michael:

Right? And this is all to go in tandem with leading up into this election. So when it doesn't go the way that it's supposed to go, which is what we which would be Trump landing in an absolute landslide, then they're going to blame it on Russia or some type of cyber attack. And so they're already gearing up the things. Listen, folks.

Joshua Michael:

When you hear these predictions, when you hear these things being talked about and everything else, it's all out in front of you because they have to, prime the public into accepting whatever future narrative that they have. So if you look in within this news stories and what's going on, it's easy to decipher what they're getting ready to do. The FBI starts warning, which the FBI is what they're called. They start warning of cyberattacks. Rest assured, they're going to do a cyberattack.

Joshua Michael:

And it's not gonna be whomever that they say that they is gonna do it. They're gonna do it for their political benefit because they have politicized all these agencies and then the way that they operate. And we're seeing it fold out firsthand in regards to this Trump assassination, which I don't wanna get into right now. But we'll talk later what's kind of transpired, how the Secret Service is backpedaling. They stepped in it.

Joshua Michael:

They've caught the one of the main Secret Service officers lying in front of Congress, and he just did a press conference. And so we're gonna play part of that and talk about that because I think it should be front and center. We should definitely talk about it. I'm not gonna get into the the Kamala distraction, you know. I I I'm just I'm I'm sick of all of the so called Republicans that are just falling right into this crap.

Joshua Michael:

We don't need to sit here and talk about Kamala. I don't believe that she's a threat. I believe the infrastructure in which they're rolling out and how they're gonna steal it is a threat. She doesn't have a real movement. It's all fabricated.

Joshua Michael:

There was a posting online last week of people that were being paid to be supporters of her and to be, out at her events and doing those things. And and upwards of 15 to $1800 these people are getting paid to show up. So you wonder where all our money is going. You wonder where all the money, why all the money is going to Ukraine, why all the money is going to Israel, why all the money is going to Taiwan and all that stuff. It's not being used for those countries.

Joshua Michael:

It's not being used for what they say that it's being used. Most of that money, it comes back, goes into some type of NGO or PAC, and then that PAC is being used to spend and spread information, which is why you're getting a massive media frenzy right now. But the Democrats are already panicking because it's not working. It's not sticking. They're not able to hoax people the way that they used to.

Joshua Michael:

Not everybody's just walking around like sheep and like, oh, okay. I guess we're voting for Kamala now. Okay. They're like, well, wait a minute. This isn't right.

Joshua Michael:

And they have a voice. Thanks to x. Thanks to Elon Musk. They have a voice. They're speaking out.

Joshua Michael:

They're having conversations. They're seeing real information, although there is some type of censorship going on on X still, but it is getting addressed and it is getting overturned because the ultimate goal and the reason for the First Amendment is for the fact that we're able to have these conversations, have these hard conversations, peer to peer, unbiasedly, and be able to sift out what's real and what's not, and sift out through all of this crap that they're trying to shove down our throats. But the Kamala thing's a big distraction. There's this Josh Shapiro guy. There's a video of him talking about JD Vance.

Joshua Michael:

I wanna play some of that because I think, it's really interesting. And just so you know, a lot of these politicians, there's a specific training that they have to go through and a formula that has been developed over many, many, many years. And it comes down to psychological manipulation and how to speak in a certain rhythm and a mindset. And keep in mind, you know, when you're watching a news reporter for the most part, they go to school not on how to be a journalist. They go to school on how to be an effective communicator.

Joshua Michael:

They learn how to speak in a certain way that becomes resonant with you. That's why a lot of news broadcasters, they all kinda sound the same. You listen to the reports, they all kind of tee up, and then they have these inflect flexions with their voice, and they're speaking in a certain way and then they're back to you. Okay. Back to you, Kathy.

Joshua Michael:

Well, thank you, Jim and because that is known to work, and it's a science. So I'm seeing because JD Vance mentioned something about him being, you know, white Obama or something like that. But it's interesting to watch him speak because he speaks just like Obama does in almost the same rhythm and patterns and pauses. And they're very, very, very tiny little, inclinations that they were trained under the same way. So what do I think is gonna happen with the election?

Joshua Michael:

I will get into that on the next segment. But I wanna talk about Trump talking about Bitcoin and then also the things going on with the economy. So Bloomberg just did a report that around 3,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 with a t, has been erased in all these tech sell offs in the past month. The investors reportedly pulling back due concerns over the rising interest rates and slower economy growth, but I thought we had the best economy in the world. Companies like Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Tesla have seen their market values plummet.

Joshua Michael:

This is a big deal, folks, because keep in mind, most of what you see on the stock industry, in the stock markets, and the Nasdaq, and all of that stuff, it's all a reflection of 2 major industries, Big Tech and Big Pharma. That's the overall spectrum of that. So we've seen these massive dips. We saw a 600 point drop yesterday, and the Nasdaq in index is down nearly 15%. That's one of the steepest declines in recent years.

Joshua Michael:

So that's a interesting bloom Bloomberg article. I'm gonna put it on my x page because you can look at that. But how does Bitcoin fall into this? Right? If you got your money in the stock market, good for you.

Joshua Michael:

I know that there's a lot of casinos out there, and people like to gamble. But if you don't wanna gamble, and you wanna assure your wealth, everything else for this oncoming collapse because they're going to collapse the economy, they've already triggered it, they've already sent signals that that's what they're planning on doing. It's one of the many cards that they're gonna be playing. You need to buy gold and silver, and you also need to buy commodities. Commodities such as water filtration, such as food, seed banks, you know, protection for your family, first aid kits, antibacterial kits, antibiotic kits, antiviral kits, creams, things for your animals, things for your dogs, ways to basically not have to spend money in order to get material because I think the next fight is going to be getting and having supplies because as the supply chain straight breakdown as you heard at the beginning of my show, and I wanted to play that because it signifies what's actually happening.

Joshua Michael:

The media is not going to talk, and this is why I hate this Kamala nonsense that everybody's talking about because they're not gonna tell you about the real issues going on. They're not gonna tell you about all of these companies, these major Fortune 100 companies, Fortune 5 companies, that are laying people off quietly and just trying to ignore it, trying not to see it. So they can have a soft landing. They can leverage their assets just like Bloomberg, reportedly has pulling, 1,000,000,000 and 1,000,000,000 of dollars, out of the stock market, and trying to get cash. What is he gonna do?

Joshua Michael:

Probably buy Bitcoin and silver. That's just that's just my guess. But there's, all kinds of economy news we wanna get in. The recession, the jobs markets have gone way down, way less than expected. The number of people employed part time for economic reasons rose by 346,000 to 4,600,000 in July.

Joshua Michael:

Think about that, folks. They've been lying to us about the real state of the economy, and now they're getting ready to drop the hammer because we're getting real close to the DNC and the great shift that's gonna start happening in regards to the media. You're listening to Occupying America. I'm your host, Joshua Michael. We'll be right back.

Joshua Michael:

Alright. Strap in, folks, because we're getting into the economy, and I wanna talk about Bitcoin and the millions and millions of people that are undergoing hard suffrages going into this coming winter. And let's not forget this attempted Trump assassination that they're trying to whitewash or trying to cover up. But you know what? Humanity is winning.

Joshua Michael:

We are winning this fight through the court of public opinion. I mean, that new And we are drastically changing the narrative to where these guys are running scared. They're terrified of shows just like this one, of shows, all over the Internet and all these independent citizen journalists that are doing phenomenal amount of work, doing way more than the FBI, way more than these organizations like the New York Times or the Washington Post or CNN or any of the usual suspects. We are now setting the narrative, and it's time to push and get in this offensive formation and start shifting the narrative. Don't get hoodwinked into talking about what they want you to talk about.

Joshua Michael:

Racism, skin color, is Kamala an Indian, is she black? Who cares? She's a horrible person. She screwed her way all to the top. I mean, all these videos of her just being a piece of garbage, she's always been a piece of garbage.

Joshua Michael:

She can't talk. She's a devout Marxist. Her dad was a Marxist. I mean, we could talk about all this stuff all day long, but let's move past it. Okay?

Joshua Michael:

So the way that you, get rid of or overcome a negative experience or a negative thought is by simply replacing it with a positive thought. How do you replace the devil? You talk to God. You don't talk to the devil. You talk to God.

Joshua Michael:

You ask God. You talk to God. You replace the negative with the positive. That's the way that you do it. That's the way you get in this offensive position, and we are.

Joshua Michael:

And you guys are all recognizing that because, listen, a 1000000000 vaccines have already been green lit for companies like Pfizer and Moderna, and they're getting ready to roll out a new vaccine mandate. Let me repeat. They are getting ready to roll out a new vaccine mandate. How are they gonna do it? What are they gonna do with all these people awake, all these things going on?

Joshua Michael:

Well, I'll tell you. It's very simple. Through war and famine and recession, think about that. If you get to a point where you're starving and you're just trying to find a place to eat and find something to eat and you can't afford to live, You're getting evicted out of your house. You have to move all your stuff.

Joshua Michael:

You have to sell everything, and you just can't fathom living and finding a way to live, and you're having to sacrifice all this stuff. You're eating ramen noodles every day and all this crap. Do you think that you're gonna be sitting online all day in all your free time seeing what's going on in the world and making posts and and doing all this stuff? No. You're not.

Joshua Michael:

You're gonna be out hustling with your second or third job. You're gonna be out trying to survive because that's where we're at, and we're getting to a point where we're doing that. So it's a couple, couple, kinda geopolitical news in regards to, you know, what's going on in the world. Looks like Russia was attacked couple days ago. Maybe it was yesterday, and they're already launching bombs.

Joshua Michael:

They launched bombs in, Lebanon, and, Iran and Hamas has basically devoted devoted to wiping Israel off the face of the planet. I'm not an Israel phobe, but I'm also don't really care about Israel. I think it's a huge distraction. Call us call them our allies or whatever, but the reality is is they don't do anything for us. You know?

Joshua Michael:

There's the reason why these 911 guys that were supposedly orchestrating 911 are getting a plea deal, and they're pushing all this under the rug, because who do you think was actually behind 911? If you do any real digging or anything else, you'll find, you know, Israel, has been the United States puppet master and still continue to be one of the biggest lobbies in the country, is the ADL, the Anti Defamation League. There's a lot of interesting stuff if you dig into what they are and what they're about, and you're not supposed to talk about that. So how can somebody be your friend while they're stabbing you in the back at the same time? Doesn't sound like a very good friend to me.

Joshua Michael:

It's all these Republicans that are getting hoodwinked, just like the Democrats did with Black Lives Matter and Antifa and everything else, having to support Israel. If you don't support Israel, you're pro Palestine. Come on, guys. You don't support black lives matter. You hate black people.

Joshua Michael:

Remember that? You're doing the same thing that they're doing. And all these people, I wanna talk about this too, piling on Kyle Rittenhouse right now because he said, hey. I don't think Trump represents the second amendment as strongly as I would like. Therefore, I'm gonna be writing in Ron Paul for president on my vote.

Joshua Michael:

Good for you, Kyle. I don't fault you at all. Guess what? Just like you support the second Amendment right, I support the first Amendment right. You can say whatever you want.

Joshua Michael:

I wanna have that conversation. I wanna have that debate. That's good for Trump to hear stuff like that because maybe he'll harden his stance on that position. Maybe he'll put it front and center where it should be with amongst all the other things. We're getting attacked in so many ways, and he's simply only one man.

Joshua Michael:

But Kyle has virtually single handedly started the debate, brought it front and center. The Internet blew up like, oh my god. Kyle Rittenhouse doesn't support Trump, and he's not gonna vote for him. What a traitor. I'm done with this whiny little baby.

Joshua Michael:

It's like, dude, he can have an opinion. Let him speak. You know what? He's got a platform. He could think any anything that he wants.

Joshua Michael:

When did the Republicans and the Trumpites, then this is the danger of this cult going surrounding this this is what's embarrassing about the Trump people. Is they're so one way or the other. They're so black and white. And I get it. I like Trump.

Joshua Michael:

I'm gonna support him, but I don't idolize him. He's not my god. He's simply one man. And let me tell you, the reason that we're having the successes that we're having right now isn't because of Trump. He helps.

Joshua Michael:

He helps pave the pathway. But it's all these individuals such as the listeners of this show, myself, a bunch of other people all over this country and all over the world that have decided that enough is enough, and they've also realized that you can't depend on one man to have your successes. You have to start taking a part of your own life. You have to become noncompliant. You have to speak out against things.

Joshua Michael:

You have to push back. You have to be uncomfortable. You have to actually have a voice because we all have a voice, and that's why we're winning. It's not because of Trump. Yes.

Joshua Michael:

He can take a little credit, but it's really because of you.


It's time to unmask the truth and expose the lies. The occupied forces do not want you to hear this broadcast. Breaking through the censorship and delivering raw unending content, it's

Joshua Michael:

Alright. Welcome back, folks. Josh or Michael, not for flying America. Yeah. We're getting interesting.

Joshua Michael:

Get it. Just know I ain't no sheep, and I ain't no puppet. And I'm not just gonna go along with the herd, despite whatever side of the fence it is. You know, we have to have real conversations, and and, you know, once we get Trump into the office, we need to hold him accountable. And it's people and common ground and focused players that aren't swayed by this emotional politic game, through this emotional propaganda BS.

Joshua Michael:

Those are the people those are the voices that we need to stay, focused on because they're gonna lead us through this chaos as more AI, as more, you know, distractionary stories. You know, they're able to just override the threshold of what the human mind is supposed to be able to encounter every single day. They're overriding that. So it's good and it's important to disconnect, to take some time, take some reflection, meet with your family, talk to your family, go out and do stuff, go hunting, fishing. When you're outside in the grass, take your shoes off, get grounded.

Joshua Michael:

There's more therapy in that than getting some win on TikTok or in an argument on X or anything like that. They want us fighting. They want us arguing. They everybody's got an opinion. You know, there's this ongoing joke.

Joshua Michael:

If you let a Republican start talking, they're gonna they're they're gonna keep talking, and they're never gonna stop because they got all these opinions. And, no, this, and I'm right, and I got this. And they'd say, okay. I get it. You're passionate.

Joshua Michael:

We understand. You're pissed off. You're disenfranchised. You've been told that you're ugly, and you're wrong, and you're racist, and all of this stuff, We get it. But it's time to move past all of that, not get sucked into this garbage, and just realize you know who you are.

Joshua Michael:

Be who you are. Be about it. Don't talk about it. So get out there and start actively pursuing an offensive position to get people ready for what's to come, because I think we're definitely at the calm before the storm. I mean, we've got the DNC convention coming up, I don't know.

Joshua Michael:

What is it? 13 days? 14 days? So there's a lot of chaos that's gonna happen between then. But they could start a world war world war, and it'll be all be over.

Joshua Michael:

I mean, I would expect that there's gonna be some major bomb that's going off, in the United States. That's just my spidey sense sneaking suspicion, what they're gonna do. They need something drastic because they already failed at the Trump assassination. They're gonna try it again, but now everybody's watching. Trump's aware.

Joshua Michael:

He's got the Delta Force and the Orange team now around him, and he's working with Erik Prince and other high level SEALs all the way around him on his security detail. And he's got the funding to do it, fortunately. He's not gonna depend on seeker service to do their job because clearly, they opened a door, left it wide open. Imagine leaving a door wide open in, like, Compton or LA or leaving your car unlocked with your windows rolled down right in downtown LA? What do you think is going to happen?

Joshua Michael:

Even if you lock your doors, anything else, they're getting smashed in and broken into. It's on a regular basis. It's happening all the time. That's what the Secret Service essentially did for that Trump rally. It wasn't incompetent.

Joshua Michael:

It wasn't gross negligence. It wasn't, unintentional, and they messed up. It was all intentional because they can't destroy him politically. They can't go after him through lawfare. Because if you know the steps of the economic hitman, first, they try to discredit you, then they try to bankrupt you, then they try to kill you.

Joshua Michael:

And in most cases, they go to war with you if you're another country or something like that. That's their cycle. That's their program. Of course, they were gonna try to kill Trump. Been talking about that for 8, 9 months because it's the next step.

Joshua Michael:

And as they keep losing the court of public opinion, they're no longer able to sell their agendas. People are rejecting them in droves, which is why some of this stuff, like the 3 trillion is vanishing from these big tech companies, is because people are rejecting it. And so you have to pay with your dollar. You have to start fighting back. Understand, there's only one currency.

Joshua Michael:

There's only one form of communication that big corporations speak in. Guess what that is? Profit. Profit. That's it.

Joshua Michael:

You could tell them anything. Yeah. They do DEI. Do you know why they do DEI? You know why they disenfranchise valid candidates for job positions and fill it based on race and sex and ideology?

Joshua Michael:

It's because they're getting paid to do that. Companies like Bud Light and everything else, they get paid to do that. They're being paid to get more profits. Now it cost them 1,000,000,000, wasn't a good move, but they don't care. They're the sacrificial lamb because most of these companies are all owned by other companies that are all owned by the same companies.

Joshua Michael:

They all intermingle and and everything else. So when you think that, you know, you're buying a product and you're like, okay. I'm supporting these guys. Well, those guys are owned by the same corporation that's owned by the competitor. Most of the store shelves if you know how a grocery store works, most of the store shelves of products come from distributors.

Joshua Michael:

The grocery store is not buying the product, bringing it in, and putting it on the shelves for you. They have these contracts with these distributors, and they get sections of the aisles. They get sections of the aisles, and they bring in their products and put it on the aisles for most of the stuff. Not all of it, but most of it. And so they come in, and they're fighting for the space, but it's all the chips.

Joshua Michael:

It's all the thing. They cover all the beers, all the chips, all of the breads that you get. You think you're getting some organic off kilter bread, blah blah blah. Well, guess what? That's owned by this company that makes the same crappy bread.

Joshua Michael:

So they're all intermingled into these giant corporations. And so when you see this market crash and everything else, it's only a symbolic thing that they're going for broke. They're getting ready to make the hard transition. Now whatever that may be, I think we dodged a bullet this Friday. I think next week, there's gonna be more chaos in the stock market because it's all gonna settle in.

Joshua Michael:

And possibly, by this coming Friday, next Friday, which would be 9th, maybe they'll pull the trigger. Maybe we'll see massive bank runs going on this week. But are we gonna hear about it? Probably not. Not until they're ready.

Joshua Michael:

Not till they get their money first. So it's so interesting to watch all of this unfold because it's all predicted. And then they're also talking about these cyberattacks in the elections. Let's get into it. Public access to the election information could be hindered by cyberattacks on the election infrastructure.

Joshua Michael:

According to the FBI and the Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency, the 2 agencies issued this statement on Wednesday warning that distributed denial of service attacks, DDoS attacks, could prevent the public from accessing election information in November. Now why and how convenient would they do that? Meanwhile, in Georgia, there's a video I might post it on the next segment. It's the most horrific video I've ever seen. And it basically talks about these people interviewing Venezuelan illegal immigrants, people that are here illegally.

Joshua Michael:

14% of them are registered to vote in the state of Georgia based on their polls and their interviews that they did. The agency sought to reassure the public. However, the integrity of the presidential election would not be compromised. Sure. Yeah.

Joshua Michael:

So they're all ready. This is what I'm talking about. You don't have to be smart. You don't have to know all the answers. You don't have to you just have to understand, read the story within the story.

Joshua Michael:

The public service announcement raised awareness for the DDoS attacks on the election infrastructure. The PSA is part of the agency's ongoing commitment to provide the public with information and election infrastructure community with support they need to run a safe and secure election. Now here's an interesting question. Why aren't the states more concerned about the election integrity? Why is a federal agency even involved in the elections at all?

Joshua Michael:

So the users took to x of the concern the announcement was a clear warning of the Democratic plan to steal the 2024 election. Yes. How do they know an attack on election infrastructure? We haven't even had the election yet. So how do they know that there's an attack on election infrastructure when we haven't even had the election yet?

Joshua Michael:

And aren't these things supposed to not be online? I thought these machines weren't online. How is it how are we gonna have an outside DDoS attack on election machines that aren't online and unable to connect to the Internet? To have an attack that shuts down key election infrastructure and when everything comes back online, we all have the to accept the results. So that's what a lot of people are saying, and I'd bet those results will mysteriously Elections Department said it was experiencing an outage at some of the voting locations, mostly the red districts.

Joshua Michael:

We've been working all night with the Department of Homeland Security to minimize any support of disruption. Well, maybe they should just get rid of the election machines altogether. Because guess what? One person, one day, one vote with a ID? Can't fake that.

Joshua Michael:

Can't fake that with the signature verification. Just hand count. It's not a big deal. Everybody else in the world does hand counting. So many countries have gotten rid of their vote in mail or mail in voting systems and their machine voting systems.

Joshua Michael:

Why can't we? The outage was part of a global outage. CrowdStrike confirmed that the problem due to the faulty software update mostly affects Windows, not Apple or Linux. Thousands of flights were canceled, delayed, so we have more and more cyberattacks coming. And what are we all gonna do about it?

Joshua Michael:

Gotta get the word out, folks. Me and my buddy. We working hard for this money. Alright. We wanna shift gears a little bit.

Joshua Michael:

I wanna talk a little bit about what's going on in the Oregon Republican Party and how things are shaking up. Finally finally, the grassroots movement, the grassroots community, both the independence, libertarians, and the grassroots republicans are now coming together to kick out these establishment grifters that have been running a stronghold to control the opposition, Milquetoast, beta, BS campaigns where they they totally disenfranchised the actual voters, and they're just reaching across the aisle and basically no different than the Democrats. But there's video circulating around. You could check it out on my ex that crystallizes the state, the Oregon Republican Party. Take a listen.

Speaker 4:

Arm, and I heard about the, letter to the secretary of state from the Oregon Republican Party regarding the Libertarian Party of Oregon's nominating convention, and how under our bylaws, none of our candidates are legal or whatever they're trying to say. So I just wanted to put this out there really quick that if the Republicans in Oregon, and I'm not talking about, like, most of the amazing registered Republican voters in Oregon. I am friends with so many grassroots Republicans, and I love them. We wouldn't have had the the success we did with the medical freedom protests and movement if they had not been there and have been an integral part of it. Okay?

Speaker 4:

So I'm in no way saying anything negative about them. And in fact, I'm actually saying this is negative about the, establishment Republican party in Oregon. So they're attacking my entire party. Myself and a few other amazing libertarians are challenging, some pretty tight battleground races here in Oregon right now. For me, it's district 5, running against Lori Chavez de Rimmer, who is the incumbent Republican, and then Janelle Bynum is also running against her as the Democrat.

Speaker 4:

In my opinion, they're the same. Lori has really been, very, outspoken about how important bipartisanship is and voting across the aisle and I get that, But it can't come at the sacrifice of your principles and values and the principles and values of your constituents that got you elected. So if the if the Republican party is so concerned about me acting as a spoiler, I suppose, in this race that they need to come after my entire party and say that we are illegitimate, maybe they shouldn't be running terrible candidates that do not reflect their constituents. I've talked to many Republicans around the state, around district 5. They are not happy with her.

Speaker 4:

This would not be a toss-up battleground race between her and a Democrat if she wasn't so awful. She's awful on war. She's awful on your personal liberties. She does not vote in alignment with most Republicans, most conservatives, libertarians in Oregon. She doesn't.

Speaker 4:

So that's just my little, just 2ยข on the issue. I think it's very silly, but it also, it's very relevant to why I'm running in the first place because, things need to change and things need to change in the direction of liberty and actual values

Joshua Michael:

that people care about.

Speaker 4:

Principles over party.

Joshua Michael:

100%. 100%. So this is the resemblance of the new Republican Party. I know she's a libertarian in talking about that, but this is the core argument and the core element to everything that we talk about and the importance of not sacrificing your values. So many, so many Republicans, good hearted Republicans, good people in the state of Oregon that I talk to all the time, that they're always like, well, we gotta compromise.

Joshua Michael:

It's better to at least lose it's better to at least get second than 3rd. That's kinda the basis of the argument that I always hear. It's always better to get second. So if that means we gotta compromise a little bit, and and keep in mind, we're not just compromising a little bit, we're compromising the entire value system because they're like, oh, it's a machine. You can't stop it.

Joshua Michael:

You know, the Democrats control everything. I'm sick of all of that. Understand there is a massive movement happening right now, a giant movement that's happening amongst the entire country. And within that movement, it's gonna bleed off. It's gonna come to Oregon, and all of these grifter old school politicians, these old school Republicans that think it's business as usual.

Joshua Michael:

They're taking money from all these, good elective candidates and siphoning money for their, for their own campaigns. They're getting their own lists, and they're they're selling it off and utilizing it for their own personal gain. That is all gonna go away very, very soon because very soon in the next couple weeks, we're gonna be making a huge announcement for a drastic shift that is now going to get rid of all these middlemen and all these people that are sabotaging, good candidates, spiking them, running opposition to them. You know, it's kinda like with Todd Vaughn running against DBS. He ran a phenomenal grassroots campaign and definitely gave him for a run for his money.

Joshua Michael:

And I think DBS is, you know, on his last stand. And we all have to get behind. If you're anybody anybody near Roseburg, this coming Friday, we're all meeting at, the Roseburg County Fair that's happening there, and we're gonna be proposing to the the end to these windmills. And I know Rob Taylor has been beating down this door time and time and time again. It's very important.

Joshua Michael:

It's not going to benefit Oregonians. It's going to hurt our system. It's gonna hurt our economy. It's gonna destroy our oceans. They make these things with fiberglass.

Joshua Michael:

You put fiberglass in a saltwater ocean long enough, it's gonna break down. All the all the little pieces and particles and everything else. I'm not saying that the ocean's not already polluted, but we don't need to put 1,000,000,000 and 1,000,000,000 of dollars of these stupid windmills that don't even work. They break down. All for the sake of this company can profit.

Joshua Michael:

They're destroying the deepwater ports, And in the areas that they're proposing to try to do it, it's gonna destroy everything. So we all need to jump on and get and ban and get behind banning these freaking windmills that they're trying to put on our Oregon coast because we don't need any of that. We don't need any of this crap. You know, they're already ruining farm fields with these solar panels, and yeah, solar is a great technology, but I think it could be utilized in a much different manner. We don't need to be taking up good farming fields because farming is the future.

Joshua Michael:

And here's what I like about this video. I posted it on my ex yesterday. You can take a look at it. She is out in the middle of, a farm just making this conversation, and it's a very grounded, perspective that we all need to get back to. And the Republicans need to shift toward more this mindset.

Joshua Michael:

We can't be compromising with these terrorists. They are not looking out for their best interest of the constituents. They are looking out for their own pockets. And it's like that on a federal level. It's like that everywhere.

Joshua Michael:

But we have an opportunity right now to get these good people in, get people like Chavez de Remer out, and give them a run for their money. We are more nonaffiliated voters in this state than affiliated voters, Democrat or Republican. There's more independents and libertarians than there are Republicans and Democrats combined. So why not put an independent candidate in? Why not put somebody that's more aligned with our conservative values?

Joshua Michael:

Why not get behind that? Oh, because she's not a registered Republican? Are we in such a cult mindset that we have to, you know, tow the party line and do this crap? No. We need to get good people, black or white, Hispanic, republican, democrat, independent, doesn't matter what they are.

Joshua Michael:

If they align with your value system, you should support them. That's my message for today. Thank you guys very much for listening. Joshua Michael, noncompliant. Check us out at

Joshua Michael:

We are getting our merch booth set up. You're gonna be able to buy, t shirts, sweatshirts, coffee mugs, all this fun stuff, with noncompliant because noncompliance is the key for the future. Thanks for listening.

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