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If the road were easy, everyone would take it. We don't shy away from challenges. We dive in. And now live from an undisclosed location in FEMA Region 10, it's your host, Joshua Michael.

Joshua Michael:

Hey. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. It's Joshua Michael, Noncompliant America. Welcome to, the, the show and the news where we break and talk about things that most people are scared to talk about that you don't hear from the mainstream. We try to cut through what's really happening, what's really going on.

Joshua Michael:

I wanna talk about, what's going on with Joe Biden and what's happening with that. I think that's something that's being overshadowed by all this Kamala propaganda that everybody's getting hammered with is that where is Joe Biden? You know, that's that's the big question. This guy hasn't stepped down as president. He's still still supposed to be operating as president, but yet nobody's seen him.

Joshua Michael:

I looked at the White House schedule they don't have anything planned but before we get into that we have a very special guest she flew in in this, undisclosed location here in FEMA Region 10 just to be on this radio show, and it is Stacy Ann. Welcome, Stacy Ann.

Stacy Ann:

Well, glad to be here and excited to say hello and howdy to all of my friends and what a great setup you have here. I'm just reminiscing about some of our first early days together on radio. And, the first time I met you, and I thought, man, that that Josh has it going. He's got you have a great perspective on things and insight on things. And, you really were, my one of my go to guys, especially if a guest couldn't show up or whatever.

Stacy Ann:

You would come and and you were ready to go sometimes early in the morning, you know, coming on in with short notice and and look at you now with this wonderful show that's keeping people informed, and I just have to say as your sister, from another mother, I'm really proud of you.

Joshua Michael:

Thank you. Thank you. It's it's been a lot of fun. I've I've really enjoyed it, and funny enough, I have a couple clips. I don't know if we're gonna be able to get to them Mhmm.

Joshua Michael:

From when we were on the radio show Oh. Back when because, one of the main topics and things that we started talking about and that brought us to radio was COVID. Mhmm. And some of the foreshadowing and things we saw how a lot of that's transpired. But, I mean, 4 years later

Stacy Ann:

Here we are.

Joshua Michael:

Here we are, what we've learned from that, what's come out of it. And, you know, we're in a similar cycle of a down downward spiral of something similar to that coming down, which is what we talk about a lot in how to prepare for that, you know, parallel constructing economies, you know, where the successes are, and all these rabbit holes. It it's it's quite astounding, especially with AI now. There's a lot of engagement with AI that is overshadowing and creating a massive amount of media content that people are, you know, getting in a defensive position on, and worrying about things that don't matter. And so we really try to focus on things that do

Stacy Ann:

That do matter. And that's what I see, propelled in a fast way is the confusion and the distraction. And that's all the enemy of liberty has is to keep people in a state of fear and confusion and distraction and if anything, I have always been bold about and will continue to be bold about is we've got to make the main thing the main thing. We have to stay focused and we have to guard the liberty. We have to guard those things that we know to be true and we have to have common sense.

Stacy Ann:

And when we get in a fear mind or a response of fight or flight, flight or flight, we do not have common sense.

Joshua Michael:


Stacy Ann:

And then we're manipulated. And so, again, just like COVID years or the vid years or people kind of dance around the, we don't have to dance around here, do we?

Joshua Michael:

The pandemic? Yeah, we don't dance


around me.

Stacy Ann:

We don't dance around anything. Is that we have to stay focused on what is the bigger picture here.

Joshua Michael:


Stacy Ann:

And it's like the things that they're trying to distract us with and say or try to say it's conspiracy, We're learning over the years, you know, we were right on. These things are true, unfortunately, and we can't be deceived by AI or these illusions, any longer. We've got to stay grounded, we've got to stay together, and we've got to stay focused.

Joshua Michael:

Right. And that's where God and discernment comes in.

Stacy Ann:

Mhmm. You

Joshua Michael:

know? It's very, very difficult now. I've been seeing kind of new updated videos with AI.

Stacy Ann:


Joshua Michael:

And there's, you know, the spin offs and, you know, Trump rapping, you know, about Joe Biden or whatever, that is clearly, not real.

Stacy Ann:


Joshua Michael:

But there's also other videos where you literally can't tell if it's real or not. Mhmm. It's becoming very, very convincing and very so that leads to the bigger question of, you know, where is the future headed and where how are we gonna be able to decipher with what's real and what's not? Mhmm. And, you know, eventually, they could install a AI president.

Joshua Michael:

And all we know are his conferences that he puts on and his events and everything else. But the entire thing could be a 100% digital. And we would never know because we're isolating ourselves and not getting out, reaching out to, you know, people and and associating in a community base, a lot of people are getting their information online, which is, you know, always one of the pitfalls that we warn about, when it comes to technology. Technology is a tool, but it shouldn't be a lifestyle.

Stacy Ann:


Joshua Michael:

You know, it it it should be used for its purpose. Yes. It's good to disconnect sometimes and, you know, embed into some technology, but understand that's a slippery slope, because the the time that you spend on technology is the time that you're taking away from real life.

Stacy Ann:

Well and even I've seen some interesting, whether it be at the Olympics or sporting games where people highlight their sporting games, you have front row tickets and everybody's on their phone.

Joshua Michael:


Stacy Ann:

You know, we we're we're it's just sucking us in.

Joshua Michael:

You go to a wedding, everybody's holding out their phone. They're not watching the ceremony.

Stacy Ann:

They're not in the moment anymore. And so, there's this movement now of getting disengaged.

Joshua Michael:


Stacy Ann:

Spending time and having to structure time away from the phone. Leave the phone alone. Go and, you know, if there's an emergency, there's years years generations. In fact, we were talking about this yesterday. Having been raised in Salem, we would go down to the slough of the Willamette for hours as kids and there was no cell phones or whatever and our parents would have a good time, be home by dark for hours.

Stacy Ann:

And there wasn't worry or fear and we have this false sense of safety with these phones. Fear of

Joshua Michael:

missing out.

Stacy Ann:

Or fear of missing out.

Joshua Michael:

That's a big one. Everybody's like, oh, I don't know what's going on.

Stacy Ann:

FOMO, fear of missing out.

Joshua Michael:

Mhmm. My buddy's dog has FOMO. We call him FOMO.

Stacy Ann:

Oh, is that his name?

Joshua Michael:

Yeah. Well, it's not his real name, but we call him

Stacy Ann:

FOMO because he

Joshua Michael:

just wants to be Right

Stacy Ann:

in the middle. Yeah. I know a lot of people like that. They have to be right in the middle. Like, we you know, when you talk about you were talking about this whole artificial in a sense, I wanna talk a little bit about, you know, what's going on.

Stacy Ann:

You talk about, what's going on with Joe Biden. Right? And what I'm witnessing here with the Kamala Harris, being now the candidate for president that they're putting forth, I'm just in shock that she's never even had a press conference. That she's just all of a sudden they're scooping in and here she is and she's the person and they have totally, totally wiped out, the Democrats' ability to buy in and say this is, you know, through primary, through their their system, their bylaws, their system, just like the Republicans have, where you put forth who your candidate, they're totally wiped. They're rearranging everything.

Joshua Michael:

Well, and it'll be interesting. I think next week's the DNC

Stacy Ann:

convention. Mhmm.

Joshua Michael:

It's gonna be interesting to see what they do because she has no delegates currently. There's been 0 delegates voted for her. How that works and, more importantly, the way people are propping her up and putting her forward, it's really strange because she's not the president.

Stacy Ann:

No. She is not.

Joshua Michael:

You know, in her campaign speech yesterday, she said that she's gonna end the border crisis and the economy situation and the get the hostages back and all this stuff. And it's like, she is a sitting vice president. Why isn't she doing that right now? You know? Why is it a campaign speech and not an action?

Joshua Michael:

You know? And and so that's that's a big thing. I I personally think it's a distraction. You know, a lot of people are falling into it because they're like, oh my gosh, we're losing grasp. You know, all of these people are are jumping on the bandwagon.

Joshua Michael:

Kamala's up in all these polls, and this is crazy and it's crazy. Just understand, anything can still happen in the election. You know? But I wanted to raise this. I posted it on my ex Mhmm.

Joshua Michael:

Yesterday, but there's a post on Craigslist that says actors needed Phoenix Convention Center. And actors help needed for an event tomorrow from 2 to 11 PM, $15 an hour. Duties include protest activity and holding signs that are anti Trump. Minorities welcome, looking for at least 500 spots.

Stacy Ann:


Joshua Michael:

So that's a post under talent gigs in, Arizona. Nobody's talking about it. So when when you see these big, large swells of crowds Mhmm. Just understand, for somebody that had no support from the Democrats, I mean, she was for one of the first people to drop out. Mhmm.

Joshua Michael:

It's it's all we we know now how they're using their money Mhmm. And what they're using their money for is things like this. So understand, guys, you know, the big threat is the election fraud, the illegals voting, registered, voters.

Stacy Ann:

Finances through, James O'Keefe through OMG has just disclosing the fact that, financial contributions have been done in passing people's names, things like this in Republican names and they're doing this big undercover thing right now. With ActBlue. With ActBlue. And so, this all this is coming to light. And so, even if you look at the last couple press conferences, well, they're not even press conferences, rallies that Kamala is trying to have.

Stacy Ann:

You look at the crowd and her response after or someone else before her who's speaking, there's like a little delay, like someone's in the background holding a sign. Okay, yay now, Boo now. You know, it's not. It's like

Joshua Michael:

the prices right.

Stacy Ann:

It's not natural at all. And again, if people had that training or that eye or knew to look for these things, we wouldn't be sucked into thinking this illusion that there's momentum here. There is no momentum. It's all manufactured. It's all staged just like this call to be an actor in Phoenix, did you say it was?

Stacy Ann:

Yep. Yep. It's not authentic. It's not grassroots. They can't they can try to make it look that way, but it isn't true.

Joshua Michael:

And the reason they're trying to make it look that way is because they're gonna try to steal the election again. Well So they wanna have some justification. And notice every year, all the time, the polls are always so close, so close. Right now, Trump is on a massive landslide, set to win. I think he'd win the whole country

Stacy Ann:


Joshua Michael:

If the election integrity was in place. But, as you mentioned that, I'm pulling up the James O'Keefe thing just more recently. There's a Texas woman that denied thousands of ActBlue donations.



Joshua Michael:

So there's thousands of donations happening in one location, and she said they've asked her. Her name was

Stacy Ann:

Missus Jones.

Joshua Michael:

Henderson. Henderson. That, there's no way that she made those donations. She doesn't even know who ActBlue is. And, you know, it's just really interesting, but they interviewed another gal named Barbara Staples.

Joshua Michael:

They said 1600 donations came from her, and upwards of about $13,000. And then they've contacted the sheriff's department, and they're doing an investigation on that. But this is the the radical leftist communist groups, you know, and they're tying, ActBlue now with George Soros Mhmm. And things like that. So these are the types of shenanigans that go on.

Joshua Michael:

And, you know, one would argue that, you know, there needs to be some regulatory elements to this. Mhmm. But that's also asking for corruption because as you know in regulatory agencies, when you get them in charge, just like the FDA Overreach.

Stacy Ann:

Overreach. Yeah.

Joshua Michael:

Look at what they're doing with the assassination and and the massive things that have come out about that. Another interesting thing, OpenAI or ChatGPT, has said if you type in, you know, Trump assassination, it says that, it's not sure, and it doesn't have any record of any attempted assassination. Isn't that crazy? Misinformation.

Stacy Ann:

It is.

Joshua Michael:

So that's kind of the spirals of modern day book burning that's happening is that people that are programming these AI systems, are being able to manipulate it, and or that's why there's, so much information because AI interacts AI basically wouldn't exist if we didn't have all the data points of human engagement on social media Mhmm. And online and everything else. And when they're able to bombard news stories, you know, you got 1500 news stories to 1. Mhmm. The AI bot is gonna drudge all of those stories and come up with a conclusion based on those 1500.

Joshua Michael:

Now those 1500 could be misinformation and wrong information, but it's gonna pull that as fact. Mhmm. And so those are the dangers of everything, but this is gonna be a great show today. We got Stacy Ann in the house. You're listening to Joshua Michael, Noncompliant America.

Joshua Michael:

Make sure to jump on noncompliantamerica.com or follow me on x@noncompliantaf. We'll be right back.


Look. All this country does is tax this and tax that. You gotta check for work. Good. I give a crap back.


Citizens? Nah. We're just a bunch of lab rats. Oh, but don't worry. Men's bathrooms have handbags.


This place is getting

Joshua Michael:

Alright. Welcome back, folks. Josh or Michael. Noncompliant America. You got Stacy Ann in the house.

Joshua Michael:

And we're talking about one of the biggest things that's, like, I think everybody should be talking about, and that's elections for us still in the election. You know, we saw Jeff or, Robert Epstein testify on Google in 2017 talking about how the Hillary Clinton campaign virtually stole about 20,000,000 votes and how Google can manipulate votes in upwards of 60, 70,000,000 people, which is fairly substantial considering, how much power that they have. Now I think a lot of that power has been shifted. A lot of people are becoming privy to that, but that's not gonna stop these people from trying in every way in tactics that we probably haven't even discovered yet, with how they're gonna steal this election because rest assured, there's no way that somebody that was pulling 2% on the Democrat side, during the primaries is leading and up to beat Trump in any way. There it's just absolutely impossible.

Joshua Michael:

I don't care how many talking heads or influencers that they pay off to put online to try to, gaslight us and everything else. The question is is why are we all falling for this same thing again? You know, it's kinda like 2019. In November, December of 2019, CNN had about an 8% approval rating

Stacy Ann:


Joshua Michael:




Joshua Michael:

they were down about to go bankrupt.

Stacy Ann:


Joshua Michael:

Lo and behold, COVID comes. All of a sudden, everybody's like, oh my gosh. They're going to CNN for their news, which we know what happened after that. Right? They've created too much fear and everything else.

Joshua Michael:

So I feel like it's a similar type of thing. Obviously, they've gotten more sophisticated on their approach. They understand CNN's discredited. They understand MSNBC and all these major outlets are discredited. So what are they doing now?

Joshua Michael:

Now they're getting in the trenches and going to all these, like, outside influencers. And and we have posts of them. I post them on my ex all the time of these influencers that basically tell the Harris campaign to pound sand.


Mhmm. But

Joshua Michael:

then they also post what they sent them. Mhmm. And they have specific talking points. They have their offer Yes. In upwards from 3,000 to 5000 to $15,000.

Joshua Michael:

They're paying them. So now we know how they're using

Stacy Ann:

their tactics. Yes.

Joshua Michael:

This is their tactic. But let's not all get gaslighted gaslit in this because the most important thing is gonna be the election integrity aspect. And so, Stacy, you were talking about, you know, what's going on, things that have kind of transpired. I know that there's a couple states that I moved to paper ballots

Stacy Ann:


Joshua Michael:

Which are going in the opposite direction, which is really great news Mhmm. And kinda setting the precedent for that.

Stacy Ann:

Well and and Trump, president Trump has talked about, you know, day 1, we're gonna change that all around again and go back to paper ballots and voter ID, and and that'll be a that'll be a great move, but we're not there yet. Right? So, one of the things that I've been asked quite a bit is, he's been talking about get your ballot in, especially in Oregon. Oregon's an interesting place with our mail in ballots, and it is important that you get it in, that you get it noted and you follow it and you hand deliver it in. Don't wait to one of these substations or boxes somewhere else.

Stacy Ann:

You get it in and you follow your boat. You get it locked in, and we get as many people in. And their their tactics, I believe, haven't changed over time. And that is get everybody so burned out by all the chatter and disenfranchise that it's like, what does my vote matter anyway? Don't go there.

Stacy Ann:

We can't afford to go there. And so with your neighbors and your friends at the water cooler, we gotta stay engaged and we gotta give them facts and points. And and the whole Joe Biden thing, when I watched bits and pieces, it was funny. I was at a doing with my work now. I was actually at a motorcycle rally in Alabama, when the debate was happening.

Stacy Ann:

And it was interesting because we had a dinner. I did my presentation. We had a dinner and everybody wanted to get to the room so they could watch the debate, you know, and I'm walking down the hallway and I'm thinking. And I get there at the telly, and I'm like, you've got to be kidding me. A split screen?

Stacy Ann:

Who agreed to that? You know? And just that deer in the headline of this poor man, He is not there. They're, you know, and how are they still propping him up like this? And so, after that, I was like, there's no way.

Stacy Ann:

There's no way he's gonna be the nominee. There's he's gonna continue on because they cannot steal election with a candidate like everybody. It's clear to everybody that no one's gonna vote for him. He he should be getting the medical care and the help and attention and enjoying the last of his years. And, just that's just human.

Stacy Ann:

Right? That's just our human caring place. Just his him as a person and a human being and all of the things that he has done in his life have not worked for people, haven't worked for families.

Joshua Michael:


Stacy Ann:

And so but the emotional human content looking at him, I was like, this is not good. So, yes, they had to do what they were doing because their their machine is in place, right, to to take the election.

Joshua Michael:

And if you go back 6, 8 months ago, you know, this was all predicted.



Joshua Michael:

I my prediction would was that it was gonna be Michelle Obama.

Stacy Ann:


Joshua Michael:

And I still might think that, and I do still think that in the sense there's a couple key points to mention. One, why is Kamala trying so hard to portray herself as a black woman even though it's very obvious that she's not.

Stacy Ann:


Joshua Michael:

You know, there's multiple, multiple interviews, times, you know, situate she did a whole vignette on her heritage and how she was Indian and how she was proud of it. Her dad tend to do whatever. Mhmm. So why are they having their propaganda talk about how she's a black woman? Well, then all the tea leaves that are gonna be, you know, falling out, I think they're gonna try to install Michelle still or Big Mike.

Joshua Michael:

Mhmm. And so all the media and, marketing that they've done around a black woman for president It's

Stacy Ann:

just a shoe in. It's a placeholder in a sense.

Joshua Michael:

Yeah. And it's similar. You know, the the best analogy I have is, you know, in 2001, we went to Afghanistan.

Stacy Ann:


Joshua Michael:

By 2003, all that war momentum that was going on, suddenly, now we're in Iraq. Mhmm. Remember that transition? It just happened overnight. Most people are like, oh, we're at war in the Middle East.

Joshua Michael:

They don't know a country from country.

Stacy Ann:


Joshua Michael:

Most people only get little blips of news and information. So they're not seeing it and engulfed in it, you know, the way that I am or you are Mhmm. Or, you know, good free American thinking patriots are. And so when that switch happens, they don't have to redo all their marketing

Stacy Ann:

on the laid.

Joshua Michael:

Right. And so I still believe that that's gonna happen. This was all a plan to have him step down.



Joshua Michael:

It was very obvious. He wasn't stepping down the way that they wanted him to, which is why they hung him out to dry.

Stacy Ann:

The split screen and the things like that. It they had to put him on that.

Joshua Michael:

And that was the end because we saw it. Everybody was in lockstep immediately following the debate. All of a sudden

Stacy Ann:

All the media.

Joshua Michael:

Were off, and they all attacked him at once. Mhmm. Those guys don't fly off the cuff. They run-in a prescripted, scenario. So hands down, that was a prescripted scenario.

Joshua Michael:

But, yeah, we'll get into more where we're with Stacy Ann, noncompliant America will be your right


It's time to unmask the truth and expose the lies. The occupied forces do not want you to hear this broadcast. Breaking through the censorship and delivering raw unedited content is Joshua Michael with noncompliant America.

Joshua Michael:

Alright. Welcome back. 3rd segment, Joshua Michael noncompliant America. Thanks for joining me. Make sure to like and subscribe.

Joshua Michael:

Follow me at noncompliantafonx. Go to noncompliantamerica.com. Check out this podcast. Share it with your friends because we're an award. It's a war of information.

Joshua Michael:

It's a war of the hearts and minds of each and every single one of you. And that's the state of the warfare that we're in. Rest assured, it's happening, and we're seeing it in real time. There's a lot of things, going on in the world we can talk about. Did you see that airplane that fell out of the sky in Brazil?

Stacy Ann:

I missed that.

Joshua Michael:

Oh my gosh. It was unbelievable. It's I I hate flying specifically for that reason. And I think 7 people were confirmed killed, but this airplane is just straight up just falling down, out of the sky. And, you know, there's an air pit airplane pilot I talked to.

Joshua Michael:

He had the best analogy that is just stuck in my head, and it's it's ruined me from flying. I hate flying specifically because of this, but he's like, do you realize that, those commercial airplanes is like a big block of concrete with 2 jets strapped to it. Mhmm. And so just a visualization of, like

Stacy Ann:

How heavy that is.

Joshua Michael:

Yeah. If you had a big block of concrete in the air, you know, and one of those things, but we saw that. And, you know, we gotta pray for those families and stuff. It's that's a terrible, terrible thing, but it's caught multiple angles. It was just it's crazy.

Joshua Michael:

But at the same time, what was interesting with Trump needing to ground his plane yesterday

Stacy Ann:

Oh, I missed that too. Oh.

Joshua Michael:

So he had an emergency landing. They're saying that it was hydraulic issues. Who really knows? I believe that's gonna be the next attempted hit on them is to try to disrupt his plane, crash his plane, do something like that. I mean, they're known for that.

Joshua Michael:

Look at, you know, RFK Junior's dad. Mhmm. You know, he he died in a plane crash, and that has been a confirmed CIA hit. So, the the gloves are off for these guys, and they got 90 days, you know, to figure it out. And one of the ways that we're talking about is the election fraud.

Joshua Michael:

What other ways do you think that what do you think they got up their sleeve between now and the election that these people are gonna try to do?

Stacy Ann:

Well, the fear mongering in regards to people's health and safety and keeping people away from each other, we know the momentum is when you look at the big picture as far as the Trump campaign, gathering people together, you know, people are showing up. They're standing outside the fence. They're they're they can't get they wanna show their support. They're along the the drive when their their car is coming in. People counties and states are are lining up.

Stacy Ann:

They're having Trump vote rallies again. I think it's trying to keep people away and disengaged through people's health and trying to bring threats into public, coming together and just like and I was amazed, I was on the road, on 13th when I had heard about all of this going on with Pennsylvania And and I was just thinking about people gathering together and how important that is to have have an opportunity to see the president those running for president and show support, and people are are emboldened now. They're not they're okay. The gloves are off. I'm not gonna be quiet anymore.

Stacy Ann:

I'm gonna wear my Trump shirt. I'm gonna put the bumper sticker on my car. I'm not afraid to wear the Americana, the flag on my hat or my shirt or, you know, fly my flag. In fact, yesterday, I was in by in the town of Salem and I was driving on a back road to get to somewhere I know pretty regularly, the Harley Davidson shop, and there was an old glory in the front yard. This is telling of where we're at right now, particularly here in Oregon.

Stacy Ann:

It was a tattered flag, but still standing strong. Yeah. Faded flag, but still standing the test of time. And we are the test of time, you and I, standing strong for what we know, fighting for, the freedom of our faith and our liberty, standing in the trenches because we have to. We have future generations depending on us.

Stacy Ann:

They're gonna ask, where were you? When? And I'm gonna say, I was right there and I was telling the truth and I was speaking it in love and I was throwing life fests out to people. You and I, that's what we're doing. So, it can get frustrating, Josh, because it seems like we're always shouting out the darkness or pointing out that these things are happening, but we're also bringing hope and we're bringing strategy.

Stacy Ann:

This is what we can do to counter that. And so as they bring these things to us, we can be prepared. Right?

Joshua Michael:

Yeah. And it it reminds me so I was listening to, Tucker Carlson interview yesterday with Mike Cernovich.

Stacy Ann:


Joshua Michael:

And Mike Cernovich, as you know, he played a very integral part in 2016, on breaking the narrative, you know, getting the the support out for Trump and all the, missed he was very effective



Joshua Michael:

In the media, but we haven't really heard or seen anything of him for a long time. So it was really interesting. I highly suggest if you guys have not heard that interview, it's it's fascinating. I was gonna put some clips together, but it's it's in long form. It's really hard, to jam it into the radio Mhmm.

Joshua Michael:

Because he he has some long points that take 2 to 5 minutes for him to digest. But he talked about how he was kind of touching that glass ceiling and broke through it. And he's like, wow. You know, this is just way overwhelming. And he talked about how he wanted to make himself irrelevant.

Joshua Michael:

Mhmm. And the things that he did and the importance of the each fight that we have every day is a very similar fight that we've had since the test of time. Mhmm. Man is always fighting evil. It's always fighting good.

Joshua Michael:

It's always, striving to be better and striving to do more, and there's people and entities out there that are striving to take that away. Mhmm. It's a natural cycle, and it's not anything new in regards to the state of the world that we're in. Civilizations have crashed. Civilizations have grown, prospered, and basically come down to nothing and been absolutely decimated.

Joshua Michael:

And so he kinda puts that in perspective that if we get in these small boxes, big problems seem ginormous. And if we put ourself in a box and thinking, like, this is it. This is the end. This is the end. It's something that we all go through.

Joshua Michael:

Our grandparents went through it. Our great grandparents, all of our ancestors. Since the beginning of time, it's a struggle that's constant. And if you look at it that way, and then if we just play our part within this timeline, within this process, and understand this is just something that we do. It's part of our life.

Joshua Michael:

That's that's how we operate. Mhmm. And then decide how you wanna engage. And the best thing to do is to engage in things that you can control. Be the person that you wanna be, and strive to be every single day, and make that impactful.

Joshua Michael:

You know? Try to break the the, the loops within your kids of some of the things that went wrong with you in your childhood and try to make them better and build things up in that perspective. That's the way that we really win. Because, essentially, if we stop allowing the state to get involved with our kids and have these level of influences, we could have strong communities in the future. Yes.

Joshua Michael:

And I see why Russia is the biggest threat to the system is because they've been through all of this. Mhmm. They've gone through. Now they're on the other side, and they understand the importance of family values and Christianity and all that fundamental foundation. And that's why they're the biggest threat to this system.

Joshua Michael:

You know? Why does everybody have a hard on for Russia? They're just trying to do their own thing. They didn't wanna attack what's going on in Ukraine. They've been attacked since 2014.

Joshua Michael:

Mhmm. There was a queue that happened in Ukraine that caused all of that rift. I mean, there's proxy groups everywhere and CIA agents and different things like that, but they're very aware of that. But one thing I really wanted to play really quick because we're talking about the Trump assassination. Tucker Carlson's getting ready to premiere more in-depth kind of a short documentary on the assassination, who was involved, what was behind it, and where all the, misconceptions are with what actually happened with that.

Joshua Michael:

But I'm gonna play that quick trailer real quick. Take a listen.

Speaker 5:

So we're standing exactly in the path where the president will walk out to the crowd about an hour from now, and there's a malfunction with the flag.

Joshua Michael:

Be careful. The hood's rocking with Trump. Trump's definitely got the black bow back. Making America great again. Donald Trump is the boss.

Joshua Michael:

And when you think you're in control, Donald Trump does something that says you're not in control.


You think Biden could do this? I don't think so.

Speaker 5:

What is the campaign specifically doing differently than that?


If there's one word to describe it, it's just execution.

Speaker 5:

Biden's just taken the stage of the debate. The standard is not

Joshua Michael:

are you able

Speaker 5:

to stand up for 90 minutes? I can't even understand him right now. Trump is

Joshua Michael:

like riding a great race horse. Right? You put the blinders on, you guide them into the corners, and you let them run. Look at how many people are showing up for a rally. No.

Joshua Michael:

Everyone, please just make sure you're ready in 30 seconds.


Let's go to the back up. The president's been shot. I repeat, the president's been shot.

Joshua Michael:

Alright. So, anyways, he's given a big series premiere and kinda diving into that, which is really exciting. This is the important of independent media. This is the port the importance of supporting things like this show, Tucker Carlson. All these people that have gotten off of that mainstream system.

Joshua Michael:

This is the battle. This is the thing that we're fighting. But what's so interesting is how the FBI is not conducting this investigation properly. Mhmm. There's now footage confirming that the Secret Service wasn't staged the way that the, local sheriffs and local police departments told them.

Stacy Ann:

They needed to be there.

Joshua Michael:

To be on that roof. People were supposed to be there. Not only that, there is, weird anomalies with the shooting patterns, the guns, the guns out for years, the water tower. There's also a, a window Mhmm. Where in the body cam footage, they actually see some rim fires coming out of that as well.

Joshua Michael:

So there's a lot of unanswered questions, and and and we don't wanna sweep this under the rug because when they try it again, I think they've already tried. I think the the assassination attempt, you know, to disrupt this plane. I don't think that's a coincidence. But, anyways, we got Stacy Ann in the in the house. We'll get there.

Joshua Michael:

Bring back memories?

Stacy Ann:

Oh, yes. Great memories.

Joshua Michael:

Alright. So we'll just jump right into the last segment here.

Stacy Ann:

That was fun.

Joshua Michael:

Good morning. Oh. Good morning. Wake up to a brand new Alright. Welcome back, folks.

Joshua Michael:

Joshua Michael, not compliant America. We got Stacy Ann in the house today.

Stacy Ann:

That was fun. That brought back some memories. I had

Joshua Michael:

to do it.

Stacy Ann:

And you probably heard that's Mandisa. Mandisa, I chose her as my intro just because of her positiveness and she's since passed away.

Joshua Michael:

I don't

Stacy Ann:

know if you heard that. She, in her sleep, very sad story, but she's a her music is a legacy and impacted a lot of people. And so it makes it even more special to me knowing that she was a part of our show. And thank you for bringing that back.

Joshua Michael:

Yeah. No problem. I thought that

Stacy Ann:

was my surprise. Yes. I mean, my both of those were were part of our lives for a long time.

Joshua Michael:

Yep. Yeah. Brings back a lot of memories. You know, but what are you up to now? Like, what's Yeah.

Joshua Michael:

What's new and what looks

Stacy Ann:

going on?

Joshua Michael:

What do you got going on in Oregon? Where can people find it?

Stacy Ann:

Well, you know, there's a big conference coming up or a big, kind of an honoring thing coming up on Friday 16th in Salem at the Reed Opera House. It's called She Leads Oregon and my friend Julie and a team of gals, kind of on that theme of really highlighting the good that's happening in our community, people that are standing strong in different areas, whether it be in your community as a politician or in the school system, in ministry, as a mom, in business. These are women in Oregon that have been honored for their leadership and it's a part of an, actually, she leads a kind of an America thing. We're hoping to get it started in every state. There's 19 states now and highlighting really saying this is the leadership we want.

Stacy Ann:

This is how we want women. We wanna highlight and show. And oftentimes, women leaders, men leaders too, they're not out there touting their horn. They're out doing what they need to do. We talked about that, that personal responsibility.

Stacy Ann:

So we're having an honoring dessert. I'm a part of that. The business that I'm working with now, we're we're coming alongside and being a sponsor. And so I moved away from here in, a couple years ago, and we moved back to the northwest Arkansas area. And, shortly after I returned there, my dad passed away.

Stacy Ann:

And, of course, I have South Dakota roots. And so that season was a real season of helping my mom transition as being she'd been married 53 years, my dad was a Vietnam vet, they had owned homes, businesses, things like that, so I really kind of came alongside my mom and she's now living not too far away, kind of in the Missouri Branson area, and so it's been a transition. So that was kind of my job and I I wasn't in radio, I really missed it, I've missed it, but then a new opportunity came. As you know, I like to go to Mexico. And when I was down there, I attended a seminar on safe, on it's actually called emergency medical transportation.

Stacy Ann:

And what it is is a company it's a membership where, where we have shortcomings in our medical transportation, whether it be ground ambulance, helicopter ambulance, or medical, flights, this company, if you have a membership, will pay the difference. If your insurance doesn't pay, it'll pay the difference. And if your insurance doesn't pay at all or they deny it, they'll pay it a 100%. So, you think about these people who travel all around, whether they're on a motorcycle, in an RV. Mhmm.

Stacy Ann:

This company will not only get them back to the hospital of their choice, remember we're talking about Liberty Yeah. Where you wanna be taken care of to your family. They'll get you home by your choice, plus they'll bring your motorcycle, your RV back home. So it's it's a valuable service and what they were needing is someone to go around and do these seminars and allow people their opportunity to look at the information, see if they want to be a part of this membership and have protection. And if they say yes, then I'm that person that facilitates.

Stacy Ann:

I do the seminar. I facilitate the membership. And then the company who's been around for 35 years takes good care of them and there's a travel division to that too, so you get really good costs on hotel rooms, cruises, things like that. So it's really a and it's and it's wide open. In Oregon, there's no not anybody, maybe 1 or 2 people, and they are very part time, representing this company.

Stacy Ann:

And so it's a fabulous company, highly rated, great organization, and I'm really thrilled to be a part of it.

Joshua Michael:

Well, that's great. It's kind of an extra layer of insurance. So if somebody doesn't have insurance, are they still able to

Stacy Ann:

get it? Absolutely. And it's not insurance. It's a membership. So, what's neat is is it and they advocate to make sure the insurance does pay.

Stacy Ann:

So, if you have a major medical plan or you have no insurance at all, you're a self pay, you really want this because that first if you have a sudden illness or an injury and you need that lifeliter that first hour of your service, that golden hour they call it, you want hands on deck as much help to get to save your life, right? And you don't the last thing you're worried about is pre approval forms under, you know, being handed to you and a lot of times these insurance companies get out, oh, you didn't get pre approval or you didn't go on our ambulance or you didn't go on our helicopter, our system helicopter. Doesn't matter whose name's on the side of the helicopter, on the side of the jet, on the side of the ambulance. If if if you're a member, it's covered. And the neat thing about it, if you've served in the military, there's some extra bonus months for being a military person or front lines, EMT, nurse doctor, those things.

Stacy Ann:

And also, once you join the membership, as we get older and our health maybe changes, you're never as long as you keep your membership, you're never kicked out of this company. So a lot of people older, in their seventies, they still like to travel and stuff, where travel, quote, unquote, insurance isn't an option anymore because they there's an age limit. As long as you keep your membership with SkyMed, is the name of the company, you they have you covered. It's wonderful.

Joshua Michael:

That's awesome. A lot of unforeseen expenses, in emergencies and stuff is that transport element. These are third party companies. They don't work for the hospital. They work with the hospital.

Stacy Ann:


Joshua Michael:

And sometimes that doesn't get carried over on coverage for your insurance. And there's a lot of people, especially life flighting



Joshua Michael:

It becomes very, very expensive.

Stacy Ann:

The average cost right now is $40,000 and so even if you have insurance, coinsurance is about 20%. And so you think about $8,000 of 40 you know, that's still your piece of the pie to pay and that's really expensive. The other thing that I wanna mention about SkyMed and about giving your membership is that they bring in visitor transportation, they bring in family to your side, help you sort out your details. There's 18 different services,



Stacy Ann:

I'm just going through it pretty fast, but I hold seminars online. Folks can get a hold of me if you want more information, and certainly, if anybody's out there who's also going, I think I want to look at a career change looking for an opportunity. There's those opportunities as well.

Joshua Michael:

That's great. Really happy to hear that.

Stacy Ann:

Yes. It's going good.

Joshua Michael:

That success. So here's the big question. You know, you are on roundtable today. Mhmm. Right?

Joshua Michael:

Yes. Who's more fun?

Stacy Ann:

Oh my goodness. Andrew's pretty fun. And, Josh, I I'm telling you, it's great always to hang out with you. There was something about, you and I when we co host. It's it's pretty pretty awesome.

Joshua Michael:

Oh, yeah. We had we had some really good times, and I and I think we played an integral part in being able to, you know, bring some light into a very dark time

Stacy Ann:

A dark time.

Joshua Michael:

Country. And as gloom and doom as my show is a lot of the time, a lot of these things are hard to talk about, but it's an important moment to expose these things. Mhmm. And we have to look at the beast in itself with what it is and not let it flank us



Joshua Michael:

You know, emotionally, spiritually, however however you wanna church that up. But it's important to expose it because these entities and these systems are all having to uncloak right now. Yes. In order to take that next step, they have to uncloak. So they're extremely vulnerable, which is why they're extremely aggressive, and acting in these ways.

Joshua Michael:

You know, I know we didn't get into much, in regards to what's going on in the UK and the censorship and the new rollout, that they're trying to do, or or not Oregon, but, they've already presold a 1000000000 vaccines for this new monkeypox thing or bird flu, whatever they're gonna use. How they're gonna roll that out, you know, in the next 30 seconds or so, Stacy, any, recommendations? How are people going to navigate through that?

Stacy Ann:

Well, first of all, I talked about this too on the show, the round table, but occupy until the Lord comes is is the short charge. If you're a believer in Christ, you need to stay engaged, you need to put on that full armor of God, and you need to not put your head in the sand. Let's move forward together. Stay together and stay aware.

Joshua Michael:

Well, that's great great great content. Stacy Ann, thank you very much for coming on today. It's been an absolute pleasure seeing you and talking with you. Guys, now is the time more than ever. Make sure to like, subscribe, follow me at noncompliantafonx.

Joshua Michael:

Go to noncompliantamerica.com. You're listening to 1 04.3 FM 12:20 AM. And as always, stay frosty out there, folks, and watch your 6. We got more to come. We'll see you next week.

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