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Joshua Michael:

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to August 17, 2024. It is the week before the DNC National Conference where they will be selecting Kamala Harris, camel toe Harris, potentially for president, but expect to see all kinds of shenanigans going on this weekend. There's a massive record, going on right now show that at least 8 groups have applied for permits to protest the DNC, and it's happening right now this weekend in Chicago where this is set to go on. Amongst those groups, one of them being bodies outside of unjust laws, US Palestinian Community Networks, unjust laws, US Palestinian community networks, Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign, Students for Democratic Society at UIC, Israeli American Council, Reparations for Descendants of Enslaved Africa, March for People's Agenda, Chicago Alliance, and Against Racist and Political Repression. But now Tony Serga is posting that there's been over 53,000 foreign Antifa and over 21,000 domestic Antifa that have already gathered in the Chicago area.

Joshua Michael:

Now, what is this gonna mean? It's gonna be mass chaos if you're in the Chicago area. Highly suggest that you get out of there, right now because we don't know exactly what they're gonna do except it I think it'll be 2020 riots on steroids, and this might be the beginning leading into this election, like, everything that we've talked about everything that we've talked about, the war escalation going on in Ukraine and Russia and Lebanon, Turkey has just deployed a massive amount of military, where they're posting videos. They have a huge navy ships and helicopters and drones and all that stuff is being deployed right now. Massive escalation going on across the world as we've anticipated because, like we always need to mention, there's an increased amount of pressure going into this election.

Joshua Michael:

They don't want Donald Trump in, and I don't think it's all about Donald Trump. It's about you, the people. It's about the resurgence of our liberties and rights, and it's all the activism and activist groups such as you, the listeners here today, and everybody around the world that is actively participating in fighting against this tyrannical system. Welcome to KNOT Compliant America. I'm your host, Joshua Michael, and we're gonna get into it today.

Joshua Michael:

Today is a very important day in the sense that this is the moment in history. There's sometimes sometimes there's decades where nothing happens, and then there's weeks where decades happen. And I believe we're in that 4th turning moment. Just on a little side note, in regards to the escalation pressures and fears, they're pushing the MPOX. I'm gonna get into that on the next segment, talk about the development of the MPOX outbreak that's supposedly going on and the fear mongering tied in with that.

Joshua Michael:

Not only that, funny story is I met with, my son's principal last during COVID, I think it was 2020, 2021. I was telling him. I said, hey. Listen. They're gonna start rolling out all of these things.

Joshua Michael:

This is what's gonna happen. What's your school? Because I was talking to superintendent. What's your school going to do in preparation for that? How are you guys beefing up security?

Joshua Michael:

How are you guys gonna prepare for the masks? Because they're gonna start mandating the mask. He's like, oh, it's not gonna happen. That's not gonna happen. And, it's supposed to be a private school, but we learned that that's just not the case.

Joshua Michael:

But my point is is I was also telling him about UFO sightings and different things of UFOs that are gonna be popping up, around the country, and they're gonna start creating more fear and pressure. Well, lo and behold, I believe that was this morning as of today, residents of Palmdale and Lancaster, California report reported multiple UFO sightings. Eyewitness described observing up to 6 flying saucers performing an erratic movements and zigzagging and hovering and doing all this stuff. Reports have sparked significant interest in the discussion among the locals, sharing their experience in videos on local platforms. Now, if you look these videos, you know, I don't know why.

Joshua Michael:

I I I don't know if it's just a it's just a weird Internet thing or if it's how people are sharing their videos or what, but we're in 2024. I mean, you could go buy you can go buy a a a cheap phone, and usually the quality is is pretty good. Now maybe it did these people are just zooming in so far so it gets grainy, but why is it that all these UFO sightings are just super grainy all the time? And it's suspicious. Now we all know that there's government programs, Operation Blue Beam, is a big one where they do 3 d hologram projections in the sky to simulate, UFO type scenarios.

Joshua Michael:

There's systems out there that have been like that for a very long time. This is nothing new. Now, if you're scared and worried that there's aliens, I can assure you there are aliens and most of them are in congress and the White House. So if you wanna look for some aliens, you look at those people. They're so disconnected from reality and so disconnected from grounding.

Joshua Michael:

It's as if they were alien the way that they behave. And that's why they need systems like AI, metadata, grabbing everybody, giving their information on cell phones, and things like that because they're trying to learn about people, manipulate it. But it's just like, you know, Google. And the way that Google can do profiles on people, I don't know if you've seen that, where they do character profiles on what a person is like based on their Internet activity. And sometimes it's kind of accurate.

Joshua Michael:

Most of the time, it's not. It's it's really disconnected because we're interdimensional creatures. We're multilayered, multifaceted, and we have a ton of complexities that it would be hard for some type of foreign entity, or subhuman, as Jack Posobiec calls it, to really grasp what it is to be human, what it is to be a person. You know? People change their mind.

Joshua Michael:

People, you know, they have different quirks. They develop different routines. They grow. They digress. They they fall.

Joshua Michael:

They fail. They progress. They I mean, just that we're all going through this cycle of life trying to learn, and constantly our brain is trying to find stability and balance and, you know, some type of normalcy. So our brain is always evolving, which is why there are some dangers within some of the propaganda and how they've ramped up the propaganda, and they've lowered it, and they've snuck it in to try to corrupt and move us because, you know, we have a normalcy bias. We we can't be in a state of fear all the time.

Joshua Michael:

It just doesn't work. We nobody can live that way. You'd have massive stress. You probably have a heart attack, you know, and you just have massive amount of chemicals being produced in your body constantly to where you just can't live in that. People don't live in that, which is why you have PTSD, people that go to war because they're in a constant state of fear for a very very long time, because you have to be.

Joshua Michael:

You're at a heightened sense. There's a reason, you know, we used to live in caves, and we used to seek shelter, and we and we need these things because we have to decompress every single day. And one of the elements is is that our bodies and our minds will adapt to some of the most dysfunctional environmental, situations that we're put in because our minds have our limitations. We have those thresholds that we have to, clench onto. You know, the best example would be like a, think of a beehive, Right?

Joshua Michael:

With the queen bee. There's that old, bee movie, was I think it was Seinfeld or something was in there. Jerry Seinfeld. But, my kids watch it. That's why that's why I'm giving this example.

Joshua Michael:

But you go he goes so the bee goes to these bee farms, and he goes in and then they find the queen, and the queen is, like, actually a dude dressed as a chick. You know, really subliminal in regards to the transgender stuff, but it symbolizes how chaotic that hive is and just the adoption that the bees have on that because they need that so much. We as a species need love and affection wherever we'll get it. And in these large cities with massive propaganda campaigns, a massive amount of peer to peer influence and pressures and psychological manipulations, you have these individuals. We call them Democrats or Liberals, even some Republicans and and people that you're just you're sitting back and you're looking at them and you're like, how did they go so wrong in their life?

Joshua Michael:

And how do they become so confused? And they're clenching on to these things that anybody with half a brain, anybody with a detoxed mind, anybody with their eyes open or any life experience could easily decipher logical, reasonable, pathways and beliefs than these warped dysfunctional, just wild, obscure things. So that is an incremental progression that is happening through psychological warfare, through media, through, systems and infrastructure, I think, in tandem with chemicals and the chemical castration that's happening on all of our young people and our old people and everybody, there's so much toxicity that it's able to kinda warp the mind. But what happens is we all have that normalcy bias where we kind of acclimate to whatever situation we are. Let me give you another example.

Joshua Michael:

If you as the individual, an Oregonian, grew up, on the outskirts or in a small town, suddenly just got helicopter dropped into, say, downtown Chicago, you would be eaten alive. They would see it, they could smell it, and you'd probably get mugged, murdered, raped, you know, kidnapped, all of these things because you're not acclimated to that life. Right? There's certain parameters and things that people do every day in their life. They don't even realize that they do it.

Joshua Michael:

They just know that's how I keep safe, that they just know, realize that they do it. They just know that's how I keep safe. That they just know, hey. You don't walk on that side of the street. If you see somebody like this, you do that.

Joshua Michael:

There are these natural inklings that people grow into and learn the environment that they're in, but it could be the most chaotic environment that you've ever been in. And it could be the most chaotic environment in the world, but you don't know any different because that's the life that you grew up in. So there's a huge separation happening. I don't mean to get off on a tangent, but I always do, in regards to things that we have to be concerned about. So we have to pull ourselves out of that, get into a little bit of the heightened sense of awareness, and understand this is not business as usual.

Joshua Michael:

They're ramping things up. They're trying to scare and provoke everything. The World Health Organization has already now announced a global lockdown that they're gonna be trying to push, and the and so we're gonna start seeing inklings that we did in early 2020, leading into April, moving to the lockdown. Now we were warning about this, we were talking about this, and nobody could believe that this was ever gonna happen. In 2019, nobody would ever believe that the lockdowns, the mask mandates, and all the garbage will happen.

Joshua Michael:

Now, there's a massive amount of rejections. They tried this again last they tried this last year with monkeypox. Are they gonna be successful? I don't know. What's gonna happen at the DNC?

Joshua Michael:

I personally believe, I still believe, there's gonna be a we we know there's gonna be a bunch of shenanigans going on over there, but what's gonna be the outcome? Are they gonna elect Big Mike? Are they gonna bring Big Mike in? Is Hillary gonna slide her way into this? Guaranteed, the the tables have been set for overturning the entire chessboard, for canceling the elections, And that doesn't even get into the other story that we're gonna talk about with the Social Security stuff.

Joshua Michael:

So social Social Security Administration has essentially been hacked. I I don't think it was a hack at all. I think it's an incremental progression toward the Real ID system that's rolling out nationwide in May of next year. Right on time, now everybody's personal, private, the most secure information that you need to operate and function in our society has essentially been cracked and is now circulating the dark web. Everybody's information, 2,900,000,000 data points.

Joshua Michael:

They said in upwards about 500,000 500,000,000 people's information, which means there's about 330,000,000 living people and about 270,000,000, dead people. So all that information's out there now. Now does that make you feel safe? Not at all. But it's meant to open up the doors.

Joshua Michael:

The social contract has been broken in the United States of America. And so now they're gonna start opening things up, creating vulnerabilities to where you're gonna need more security. Keep in mind, security is the key to all of this because we all as individuals need some sense of security. And so what is that gonna be? What is that gonna mean for us in the future in order to continue to operate in this normal society?

Joshua Michael:

You're listening to noncompliant America. We'll be right back. Alright. Welcome back, folks. Brazil, the fight for free speech is happening right now with the attempted shutdown of X.

Joshua Michael:

What do they, not want us talking about? They don't want free and open information happening on the Internet, shows like this. That's why it's very important that we all stand behind, free speech platforms and free speech advocates that are uncompromising. And that's the key is to be uncompromising. The Brazilian government has tried to shut down X, but they failed.

Joshua Michael:

This was, breaking about an hour ago, my time. So it'll be, you know, about 6 hours by the time you guys hear this broadcast because we're prerecording today. Not doing live yet. We're still working out some of the kinks on being able to do that, but thank you very much for joining me. So what does this mean in the, in the, the battle space for free speech?

Joshua Michael:

Currently, the Global Government Affairs announced that despite being forced to close, Brazil and, the ability for people to stream and get on X in Brazil, has been shut down for now. Now, they're gonna keep fighting. They don't want people speaking. They don't want people interacting. They don't want the open platform.

Joshua Michael:

Elon's one of the most powerful people in the world, and he is now fighting on our side for the system for the betterment of humanity. So right now, X remains fully operational, keeping the platform alive for millions of users even as physical offices are shut, which is fine. And that's the power of the Internet. That's the power of transference, and data mines, and servers, and VPNs, and and just the ability that's very very very difficult for them to shut down information, especially when the head of the entire company, is like, yeah, no, we're not gonna do that. So now they face a pivotable choice.

Joshua Michael:

Democracy or freedom, or are they gonna go tyrannical? And that's the question we're gonna keep an eye on that and get into that. But what I wanna get into now is kind of, what's going on. We talked a little bit about the DNC. There's a massive amount I mean, 50 +1000 Antifa members, that's gonna be no good.

Joshua Michael:

What kind of clash are they gonna do? How are they gonna spark? This could potentially be the weekend where they spark the Black Swan event, and there could be potential riots by the end of the weekend happening all over these big cities and major Democratic controlled areas. And what's that gonna mean for us? Here, it's not gonna mean much right now, but I think it will start trickling on, and we will, we will continue to watch that as it transpires.

Joshua Michael:

So I just wanna make a quick announcement real quick. Next week, we're gonna be launching a giveaway on our show for, Tucker Carlson tickets to the Tucker Carlson event. Now, this event is in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. We have 2 very close tickets that we're gonna be giving away, and I'm gonna give you more details on that. So if you're interested and you wanna go see Tucker Carlson live on his tour, he's got a special guest, Larry Elder, and we're gonna be giving those away here on the show.

Joshua Michael:

The way that you get in tune, you follow me on X at noncompliantaf, or you can go to noncompliantamerica.com. Send me an email, jm@noncompliantamerica dotcom, and you can win your chance to go see Tucker Carlson. Now, these are just the tickets, so you will have to get your plane, ticket, to go see him or you could drive, you know, if you wanna drive across the country. But it's happening on September 16th. So that's only, you know, just about a month away, and we're gonna start the giveaway next week.

Joshua Michael:

So if you wanna do that, make sure go to noncompliantamerica.com or follow me on x@noncompliantaf. So it's just some fun fun ways we're gonna give back. It's gonna be a lot of fun. Tucker Carlson, and his tour, I think, again, is a is a battle for this republic, and a battle for free speech. It's almost impossible for them to shut down in person engagement and in person, scenarios, such as an event like that.

Joshua Michael:

Well, there's been some, some interesting things going on with AI. They, the Google has announced that, basically, there's these Terminator robots that have now come into reality. He announces a plan for killer robots to take over the world, which is pretty, pretty substantial considering that they've already been developing these robots, and we've been seeing different videos in the progression of these robots happening. There's robots roaming the streets of LA right now, that are police robots with enforcement, and they try to make them look like an r 2 r 2 d 2 to get us to acclimate again. We start acclimating to the normalcy bias.

Joshua Michael:

Next thing you know, these things are out delivering our packages and out doing that, and we accept and we acclimate to them. How many people do you know that still have, you know, the Google Dot or the Google listening device that's a speaker that you can talk to? I know Amazon, Alexa, same thing. How's one how many people do you know that still have that stuff in their household? Just understand that is a way for them to get into your household, listen to your conversations, do profiles on you, and get you into trouble in the future.

Joshua Michael:

If you're talking about things in the future, you're talking about things that, that they don't like just like what's happening in the UK right now. They're arresting people. This guy just got sentenced to 20 years. 20 years in prison for posting on his Facebook about the influx of illegals that are taking over the cities and towns and the chaos and the violence that they're doing in their cities. He got 20 years for that.

Joshua Michael:

Now, I don't know about you, but that is absolutely insane. The fact that that's going on in what was once a free country, and, yeah, just on a side note, kim.com. I don't know if you guys followed him in his 12 year legal battle. He's just been instructed and sentenced to be extradited to the United States after losing his battle. So on Friday, New Zealand's justice minister Paul Goldsmith said that he decided that kim.com should be surrendered to the US to face trial.

Joshua Michael:

Now kim.com, as you know, is what we did, mega mega upload. Many, many years ago, it was a transference of data and files.


It's time to unmask the truth and expose the lies. The occupied forces do not want you to hear this broadcast. Breaking through the censorship and delivering raw unedited content, it's Joshua Michael with noncompliant America.

Joshua Michael:

Welcome back, folks. We had a hard stop talking about that, but there's so much going on. It's hard to cram it all into an hour. So we wanna get into AMPOX vaccine makers. Their stock prices have soared after the World Health Organization declares global public health emergency, so beware of the monkeypox.

Joshua Michael:

It might be hiding under your pillow, might be coming from your dog. Who knows? Monkeypox could be everywhere. Now they're saying that it's transmitted by personal contact. And so what does that mean?

Joshua Michael:

That means, contactless payment systems. That means, 6 feet in line. That means, you know, drive through, you know, vaccination lines and motor voter and and all that crap that they all they've never left. They've never gotten rid of the infrastructure for that. They've simply just been adding on to it.

Joshua Michael:

Now why would they do that? How did they know that there is gonna be a pandemic too like Bill Gates talks about and he talked about 4 years ago? He said, it's not the it's not the it's not the pandemic now that we have to worry about. It's pandemic 2. Oh.

Joshua Michael:

So the World Health Organization cited recent outbreaks in the Dominican Republic and neighboring nations, in its declaration in the first known infection of its kind outside of Africa. Sweden today now has confirmed that the highly contagious strain of MPOX, according to NBC News, the World Health Organization's European Regional Office in Copenhagen said it was discussing with Sweden how to best manage the newly detected case according to Medical Xpress. This is the 2nd time in 2 years The Who has declared MPOX a public emergency of international concern, pronounced quote unquote fake, which is in its highest form of alert. So be scared be scared. Fear.

Joshua Michael:

Fear. Fear. Fear. Fear. So why do they produce all the fear?

Joshua Michael:

Why do they release all the Social Security numbers? To produce fear. Why are they putting UFOs in the sky right now? To produce fear. Why are they deploying Antifa out in the the streets of Chicago to produce fear.

Joshua Michael:

Look up the definition of real terrorism. It is fear producing events to promote a political ideology or an agenda. That's what it is. Domestic terrorism, the real domestic terrorists are in congress. They control the government now.

Joshua Michael:

Now as soon as we figure that out, they're preparing for that. If you keep doing all your communication on your phone, they're gonna know what you're talking about. They're gonna know your plans. They're gonna know how they act. There's nothing that they can get away from in person, belly to belly conversations, having them, and understanding what's gonna be best for your community.

Joshua Michael:

Getting involved in these city town hall meetings where they're trying to tax you, or take away your rights, or promote some type of ridiculous agenda that, guaranteed, these meetings are gonna happen, where they're gonna start locking things down. You're not gonna be able to go into the city halls anymore because of MPOCs. You're You're gonna have to drop your kid off out in the parking lot, throw a mask on them before they can go inside, or the school's just not gonna take them, which is fine because I think schools are horrible anyway. People should homeschool their kids and or starts getting on co ops. So the announcement follows the declaration Tuesday of the Africa Center For Disease Control and Prevention that the MPOX contaminant is a wide public emergency.

Joshua Michael:

They've never stopped declaring emergencies in the United States. We are still under a form of martial law today. Each state is operating differently, and that's why your voice is more important than ever. That's why the ability to get information out is more critical than ever, but it's also why the Oregon Secretary of State has passed that bill or the law to deem misinformation, malinformation, and disinformation as a crime. Going into this election cycle with the massive tidal wave, all in favor of Trump is all set to enslave us permanently, and we're living on borrowed time right now.

Joshua Michael:

We are on absolute borrowed time. So the DRC, where the outbreak is concentrated and most severe, has approved 2 vaccines already, Japan's LC 16 and the Bavarian Nordics, can't even say that word, Genenos, which is also marked as a Invimmune and Ivonex vaccine. So these two companies have already profited greatly. As we talked about a few weeks ago, the billions of vaccines that have already been sold here and around the world. So they're getting ready to roll this out.

Joshua Michael:

They're gonna break the economy, break this financial system. They're breaking your confidence in your Social Security system. I mean, think about this. How often do you use your credit? Probably all the time.

Joshua Michael:

Credit's used for everything, and it's even used for insurance now. They run your credit for insurance, which is just absurd to me. But now that system is gonna be broken, so what's the new system that they're gonna roll out? It's very simple. We've already seen it coming.

Joshua Michael:

They've planned it a long time ago. May 2025, the Real ID system, it's gonna start with only being able to fly or do any public transportation like trains or anything like that. Anything that requires the tyrannical TSA to, to grope you before you can get on a plane that's where they're gonna get control, and I know a lot of people that simply just got the vaccine so they could travel because they're so stupid that they're like, oh, I guess I'll, I guess I'll take the vaccine so I can travel, and now they're regretting it. Most people I know that got the vaccine are regretting it. They've either gone way down the deep end, or they're like, yeah, we're never gonna do that again.

Joshua Michael:

That was a huge mistake. We shouldn't have done that. You know, some of them are still prideful, and they're like, ah, well, we we don't know. But what is this all about? What does this have to do with everything?

Joshua Michael:

When you understand the chaos that's being around us all the time, it all has a purpose and agenda because they know that now we know that they know that we know. So they're starting to discover that, and they're rolling these things out. They've accelerated their 20 30 plan, and they're moving it forward. So what does that mean for you? Most important thing you can do is get right with God, secure relationships within your family, and secure relationships within your community, and start building hard commodities.

Joshua Michael:

Learn trades. Find a bunch of how to videos and download them. Have them on a hard drive. Have them accessible if the Internet stops working. Then figure out alternative forms of communication and alternative ways to live your life, because you're gonna have to in the future if you don't wanna comply with this new tyrannical system.

Joshua Michael:

Now, Edward Stone said a very interesting thing, that they're gonna be able to track you if you're not complying based on everybody else around you. And what everybody else is doing and how the compliance is, they're able to recognize the void against your person to where if you're using alternative forms of payment, if you're using alternative forms of transportation, whereas you don't have a car that doesn't have a tracker in it, or you're driving around without your phone, cause that's another one, or if you have an unplugged phone by Eric Prince, go to unplugged.com. Look at that. That is a de googled, untrackable phone with a battery disconnect on it. Most modern phones, you can't disconnect the batteries.

Joshua Michael:

This one, you can. It's very important. It's very important to reassert your anonymity in this digital space because your data is getting used and abused and sold and profited and manipulated and tracked everywhere you go. So if you don't take an active role in hiding yourself from these systems and these tentacles, you will be captured within it. Now, there's an interesting video, about Donald Trump that I wanna play before we go into this next segment.

Joshua Michael:

It's very, very uplifting, and it's all in the reason why I personally believe they don't like him so much because he speaks directly to the people. But these are also life lessons that every single one of you, I think, could benefit from and give you some opportunity to think about your life and the people in your life and the things that you do in perspective. Take a listen.

Donald Trump:

It took me 10 years to learn this, but I will teach it to you in 1 minute. 1, life waits for nobody. Get up every day and keep pushing through no matter what. 2, make sure you take good care of yourself. If something happens to you, the world will move on, and you will fall behind.

Donald Trump:

3, if you don't work to build your dream life, someone will hire you to build theirs. 4, work in silence, celebrate in private. People love to ruin things. 5, don't regret your past. Just learn from it and move on.

Donald Trump:

6, no one cares. Work harder to become better each day. 7, ignore advice from anyone who doesn't live the life you want to live. 8, rule over your emotions. A calm mind can handle any situation.

Donald Trump:

9, if you find someone better than you, don't hate. Ask them for advice and cooperate with them. 10, you are truly at peace with yourself when you mind your own business.

Joshua Michael:

Powerful, powerful words. So those are messages to live by. I believe every single day, everybody should live by that. And that's why they really don't want him in office, and that's really why they don't want him in control because he's not privy to their systems. He's actually cares about the country.

Joshua Michael:

He cares about your future. He cares about people. Now is he only human? Yes. He's not a demigod.

Joshua Michael:

He's not the all saying, all seeing eye, protector of everything. We have to take control of our lives at a fundamental level, and it starts with God, our family, and our community. That's how you restore this public republic. That's how you get things back is when we simply don't comply to whatever systems that they're trying to do. That's the key in success to everything.

Joshua Michael:

Be right back.


If the road were easy, everyone would take it. We don't shy away from challenges. We dive in. And now live from an undisclosed location in FEMA Region 10, It's your host, Joshua Michael.

News Report:

Now medical experts are warning it's quite likely there are already UK based cases of the new mpox strain that's causing concern amongst global health officials. The new more transmissible strain has caused nearly 600 deaths in Africa, but elsewhere, only Sweden and Pakistan have so far confirmed cases. Medicines professor Paul Hunter says the complexity of testing means it is still hard to tell the true scale in the UK.

News Reporter 2:

When somebody gets an infection, it can take several days before they develop the classic appearance that would make people think, oh, this is monkeypox. To confirm that, they would need to do a test and sample typically sampling the blister fluid. That would then go to the laboratory that would then run, genetic tests to show whether or not it was monkeypox. But then to know that it was the 1 b variant, the out of Congo, you'd need to do further sequencing.

News Report:

Our correspondent, Emma Burchi, joins me now. The professor called it monkeypox that has been renamed mpox to remove some of the stigma. But even so, there are concerns about this new strain, and it's likely here already.

News Reporter 3:

Yes. And it's particularly contagious. It's been given the name clade 1 b, first emerged in the Democratic Republic of Congo and has rapidly spread particularly in the east of that country, but it's also gone to 16 other African countries. 17,000 cases in all. And as you said, close to 600 people have died.

News Reporter 3:

Now the World Health Organization has described it as a global emergency, which needs a coordinated global response. And that also means making sure that, we don't hog vaccines and tests, that those do head, to Africa where they're needed. Here in the UK, overall, the risk is seen as low. And as we were hearing there, it's not yet known if there are cases here. But the

Joshua Michael:

Yeah. So now we know that they're gonna be rolling this out into the future, and this is the difference this is the difference between 2019 and 2020. No, government relief. You know, businesses are gonna be getting fat checks and being able to ride through the through the wave. You know, for example, a lot of retail, spaces are being closed everywhere.

Joshua Michael:

There's malls that are half built that have been sitting there for 2 years, and they just simply they lost all their tenants. They lost all these businesses. They every everybody's going close. So we're in a completely different state of this next wave that they're gonna be pushing because it'll be faced with an economic collapse. It'll be faced with way more organized chaos because we have an open border that is wide open right now, and there's definitely military age men dressed all in the same boots, they got the same fatigues, they're in order, they stand in at ease attention when they're in line, you can tell that they are a very organized army that is invading the southern and northern border of the United States right now, and they're setting up camps everywhere.

Joshua Michael:

Definitely doing training, definitely getting oversight by the government, definitely playing a part into this next wave that's gonna happen. Now, what they might do is have them dress up like Antifa, and when you hear the word Antifa, what do you think about? What do you think about? Some skinny white kid, you know, with a, you know, mother and father issues, you know, lived on the streets just malnourished and just kind of a a a a crooks type look. Right?

Joshua Michael:

The the crooks kid, the Trump assassination supposed shooter that they're sweeping under the rug where, you know, now that it looks like the FBI illegally disposed of the evidence, and there's a massive checklist of all the things that, the FBI did in preserving the evidence for that case for their a further investigation to happen, where it looks like they just wiped it all up. They disposed of his body. They cremated his body, which is unheard of. So people like that, Antifa, everything else. Now it could be, you know, the Palestinian movement.

Joshua Michael:

I think that they're gonna partner up with the Antifa groups, and we're seeing that happen in Chicago right now. And those guys are way more radical. They come from different parts of the country where, you know, they burn cities down and burn towns down and kill everybody in the towns. Those are people in the United States right now seeking shelter, getting shelter from the government and these NGO groups. You see the the the powder keg that's being built right now.

Joshua Michael:

The better question is, what do you do? How do we stop it? Well, the best thing we can do is do the one thing that that that they don't want us to do, is peacefully, non compliantly protest. The best way to do that is spreading information. Telling your friends and family.

Joshua Michael:

Tell your friends and family about this show. Have them listen to it. It's scary. I know. It's scary.

Joshua Michael:

I have to live with this stuff all the time, and you do too, whether you choose to recognize it or not. It's here. This is the fight for the future. This is the fight, The battle in the hearts and minds of people because if we can get a majority or a very large amount percentage of the population to reject this stuff, they're not gonna be able to get away with it, and that's the key. That's the key.

Joshua Michael:

A lot of people say, well, you know, we gotta get Trump in office, and then things are gonna get better. No. We get Trump in office. Things are gonna get worse no matter what. In fact, if we don't get Trump in office, things will probably be better for a little bit longer before they crack everything down because we saw that in 2017.

Joshua Michael:

2017, when all the rides started fermenting, and all these crazy lunatic leftists went crazy. So we have a heavily funded occupying force that's in the United States with unlimited amount of money, taxpayer money that they're getting from you, that they're siphoning siphoning off of these war chests that they're sending to all these countries. Do you think that money is going to those countries? No. It's coming right back here.

Joshua Michael:

It's funding these outside groups that are very organized, they're very sophisticated, and they have a green light from our supposed government that is supposed to be working on the benefit and behalf of the American people, and it is not. And we're seeing that time and time and time and time again. All the injustices happening in the UK with the protesters against the radicals, where the radicals are violent, bearing swords and, machetes and beating people up and doing all this stuff, they're protected. Whereas the, native population of the UK, people that have been there for generations, are getting round up and getting toe to toe with the police. The police are not your friend.

Joshua Michael:

The police are not your friend. In some cases, yeah, they do good work, but at the end of the day, they're gonna be concerned about themselves. They're gonna be concerned about the pensions. They're gonna be concerned about their careers and their families. And if they're told to do illegal orders, we've already seen it.

Joshua Michael:

They're going to do it. They don't care. They don't care. Now if you can educate them, great. But it always comes down to the top and where you have the George Soros DAs and the George Soros operative sheriffs and the people that don't work for the people overseeing these government groups and these enforcement groups, like the police and the sheriff's departments, they are not your friend.

Joshua Michael:

They are gonna be the ones doing the enforcement for these future lockdowns. They're gonna be the ones kicking you out of your house and putting these illegals in. They're going to be the ones that enforce all of that, and they want the fight, and they want the conflict with those groups because it's low bearing fruit. We need to go after the people setting these precedents and starting these organizations and running these organizations. Those are the real heads of the snake that need to be cut off.

Joshua Michael:

Thanks for listening. I'm your host, Joshua Michael, Noncompliant America. Make sure to check out noncompliantamerica.com. Follow me on x, guys. It's a full battle going on there.

Joshua Michael:

Follow me on x at noncompliant a off, a f. Make sure to share with your friends and family because who knows how long this transmission is gonna exist. See you next week.

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