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X Post:

To the folks in Aurora, Colorado is losing all their apartment complexes to the Venezuelan gangs, and they're getting their jewelry stores robbed, and people are getting jacked out on the streets and things like that. To the people in Aurora, Colorado, no one's coming to help you. You do understand that. Right? The cops are not helping you.

X Post:

The feds are not helping. The government's not gonna help. The National Guard is not gonna help. The US Army, which is at Fort Carson right there in Colorado Springs, they're not gonna help. The biker gangs that got around there, things like that, they're not gonna help.

X Post:

The rival gangs that run around there in Aurora, yeah, they're not gonna help. No one is coming to help you. You need to learn to stand on your own 2 feet, or you're gonna fall to

Joshua Michael:

your knees.

Mayor Of Aurora:

And let

X Post:

me tell you something here, folks. If you don't stand up and protect your property when they kick your door in and they come in and drag you out, dumping you up, and they come in and essay your wife and your daughters or, you know, go put your boot down on your dog's skull or something like that, you know, and just take everything you got until you get out. You got that coming, buddy. You got that coming because you gave up your gun rights and your gun control bullcrap. You voted liberal.

x post:

Your city is going to crap, and

X Post:

you have done nothing about it.


If the road were easy, everyone would take us. We don't shy away from challenges. We dive in. And now live from an undisclosed location in FEMA Region 10, it's your host, Joshua Michael.

Joshua Michael:

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to noncompliant America. I'm your host, Joshua Michael. On the Sunday special broadcast on September 1, 2024. What a fascinating time to be alive today, isn't it? I have the, tables turned in regards to so much going on in the world, but people are starting to wake up.

Joshua Michael:

Now what I wanna get into today, I wanna talk about, this Aurora, color Colorado thing that is blowing up on the Internet. Everybody's talking about the, the takeover, this apartment complex happening in Aurora by Venezuelan, migrants and predator gangs and, you know, all these illegals. They're heavily armed. They're very organized. If you watch the video, the main one circulating, you can see a man coming up the stairs, and he's got a cell phone.

Joshua Michael:

And he appears to be talking with somebody. Meanwhile, that that there's guns around him and men with guns around him while they are basically, taking over and breaking into one of the, units in this complex. Now there's a lot of conflicting stories, and we've we're trying to digest it. There's speculation going around that the Hells Angels are actually on their way there to go deal with the Venezuelan migrants. I'm seeing a lot of conflicting stories.

Joshua Michael:

I don't believe that to be true. You know, I know some people that are in biker clubs and different things like that. They typically don't they won't get publicly involved to that degree, for something. And so what my suspicion is is, they have a meeting. Somebody, some of maybe the Venezuelan migrants and gangsters, crossed one of the wrong people, and maybe somebody's mom lives there, who's in the in the club or something like that.

Joshua Michael:

And so then they're gonna go address it in that way, but they're definitely not going there to just go do what the police are supposed to do or do what the National Guard are supposed to do or act in that way. Yes. They will protect people, but that's gonna be kind of secondary to whatever their primary mission is. I don't think we're at that point yet, although a lot of speculators and my personal opinion is as things break down, it's gonna be groups and organizations like these biker clubs and, you know, small militias. You can't even really call them militias anymore because, you know, it's it's it's being, labeled as, you know, a hate group or a white supremacist group or anything else where it's simply just our god given right.

Joshua Michael:

It's within the bill of rights. It's in the constitution. It's the first freaking amendment, that allows for the assembly thereof for us to operate that way. And so there's really gonna become a point, and I think we're getting closer to that point where civilization is gonna start breaking down more. And as these Democrat run cities, these blue cities, these global operatives that are installed in the mayor positions, in the police chief positions, in the county commissioner positions, in the governor positions, in all of these positions.

Joshua Michael:

We're now seeing how there's selective enforcement. We and it's very, very obvious if you look at what's happening in Ireland. If you look at Ireland right now, I just saw a video of thousands of Muslims praying on the streets, you know, in the UK and Ireland all at the same time in this extreme organized fashion, only demonstrating how much that they have taken over these areas. Because if a bunch of Christians got on the streets and did something like that, we all know what would happen. They'd be getting mass arrest, everything else.

Joshua Michael:

So understand the bigger picture and the greater picture of this modern society takeover and how they're gonna be operating with what they're trying to do is they want to the, the laws for thee, not for me type situation, and they are gonna protect these illegals at all costs. The American people have now become victims of their own government. They are not your friend. They're not here to save you. They are not here to protect you.

Joshua Michael:

The, you know, there's some good police and men and women out there. They are. But at the end of the day, you need to understand they still have paychecks, they still have pensions, they still have their own families to worry about. They're not gonna stand up for your rights when they're being ordered to send you and take you and kick in your door and take you to a gulag because you've been deemed an enemy of the state by the state. We're gonna have selective extractions that are gonna be happening, and rest assured, the police are gonna be complicit in that.

Joshua Michael:

So they are not your friend. They are not here to protect you. Only you and your communities can protect yourselves. That's it. The faster you come to terms with that, the faster we're gonna have a, be able to make a stand and have some coordination with that.

Joshua Michael:

Now, this is why I talk about technology so much. This is why I talk about getting privacy, regaining your privacy, you know, not communicating with people of importance on certain social media devices as well as cell phone devices, using VPNs, finding your privacy because understand we've been herded into this digital gulag to where as they know, as this uprising happens, because it's bound to happen, because we're getting taken over, folks. 1,000,000 and millions and millions, I'd say it's 30,000,000 illegals have come to the border in the past 4 years. Let alone the probably 20, 30,000,000 prior to that, the 10 years prior to that, you know, given the the break with Trump on actually securing the border, but leading up to that, Obama, George W, all these all these times. It's always been a, a porous vessel, for these people to come in and take over.

Joshua Michael:

But understand, this is why it's important to get self sufficient, but also realize the enemy. And the enemy is right in your phone. It's looking at you. It's watching you. The government's watching you.

Joshua Michael:

We're seeing this play out in a very beautiful fashion with the fight with Elon Musk and, the Brazilian fake judge, Supreme Court judge that is basically trying to block x from having communications and being able to operate. He's threatening to arrest Elon Musk for not collaborating with the government on government censorship in the state of Brazil or the country of Brazil. Excuse me. But he's shining a light, and so there's there's a there's a there's a picture I wanna try to create. And this goes back to Space Force versus NASA.

Joshua Michael:

This goes back to why Elon bought Twitter in the first place. And then, you can get into kind of the Q conspiracy type stuff, but it's really interesting to take a step back, and see how things are playing out. Like I always say, it's through the court of public opinions that is going to be the grace of the restoration of our republic. It's not going to be through the the judicial system. It's not gonna be, you know, Trump getting into office as it is a good thing.

Joshua Michael:

That's a great thing. That's the only path that we have, especially since he's teamed up with, RFK. However, it's going to be through the mechanisms of information and the importance of information in getting everybody on board to be awake to what the big download is about to happen. This is why the importance of free speech is the fundamental piece to this battle and this war. And doing that is spreading information, talking to your neighbors, talking to people around you, and spreading this message out to everybody.

Joshua Michael:

That's why it's so important because if the people are not receptive to receive how dark this system is and how corrupt this system is, and we aren't aware of it and or unwilling or unable to receive the information, digest it, determine who the bad guys are, and then start putting pressure on them publicly. There's a huge amount of power with that, and that's what I believe, amongst a couple other theories, of why Elon bought Twitter in the first place, but now, we're starting to see it. So 15 hours ago, Elon Musk posted this, and then I'm gonna explain it to you. Today, we launched the daily dump on the crimes under, quote, Brazilian law that the fake Judds Judge Alexandra has committed. He can block this platform in Brazil, but he can't stop the whole world from knowing his illegal, shameful, and hypocritical deeds.

Joshua Michael:

Karma's a b, bro. That's what he said. Popcorn, popcorn, popcorn. So he posted, he post that 15 hours ago in response to this judge saying, today, we begin shining the light on the abuses of the Brazilian law committed by Alexandre de Moras. We are forced to share these orders because there is no transparency from the court.

Joshua Michael:

K. That's the key. That's what, X posted on, they created an account called Alexandria Files. So you we can go through these, we're very short on time for this segment, but now the people of Brazil are now denied access to X. And as you know, they've been told that they are getting a $4,400 fine, if they're caught using a VPN or caught using X.

Joshua Michael:

Now, why are they so scared of the truth getting out there? This is the next phase of the tyrannical system uncloaking, which rest assured, they're going to try to do that here. They just arrested the founder of Telegram in France, and he was set up to go there. Now it's coming out that he was invited to go there, and he was set up so they can arrest him. They wanted him to go in country so they can capture him.

Joshua Michael:

So the fight for free speech is on, folks, and they understand that we are now in the 4th turning. People are awake to it, but listen to this. This is why it's so important to get information. This is why it's so important to have X, have Telegram, have all these free speech platforms be available because if the people know the truth and you're able to tell them the truth, more times than not, they're gonna be awake to it. You need to plant the seed.

Joshua Michael:

I know it's hard. I know it's heavy. I know it's hard to explain. I know sometimes, people don't wanna hear it, but you gotta plant the seeds now. Because the only way that this works is if the majority of the public or a large grasp of the public is able to understand how society works, what the government's been doing in our name, how they're stealing, robbing, pillaging, and what their plans are to eradicate us from our own property and our own assets and our own livelihood in the United States.

Joshua Michael:

There's a replacement migration plan happening underway and we're seeing it unfold in Aurora, Colorado right now. Now, now's the time folks where we gotta do this but we wanna get behind this. Check out the Alexandra Files at Alexandra Files, on X. You can follow me at noncompliant AF. This is segment 1 special Sunday broadcast.

Joshua Michael:

Thank you very much for joining me today, and we'll see you on the other side. Hey, everyone. This is Joshua Michael, Noncompliant America. Thanks for listening to my show today. Just wanna give you a heads up.

Joshua Michael:

This coming Saturday, September 7th, they're gonna be having a red wave revival. That's hosted by the Clackamas County Republicans. You can go to clackamas county republicans.org/events to get your tickets. Gates open at 3 PM. The music goes until about 10.

Joshua Michael:

Make sure to bring a lawn chair. 21 and over, they're gonna be having barbecue, and it's also gonna be

Joshua Michael:

a chance to meet your 2024 Republican

Joshua Michael:

candidates. Make sure to go to clackamascountyrepublicans.org/events.


I just wanna pay my bills. Grab them by the way I feel. Yeah. I just wanna make a couple mil. Leave it to the fam and the will.


Yeah. Yeah.


It's time to unmask the truth and expose the lies.


Might not be the best


of my life. Forces do not want you to hear this broadcast.

Joshua Michael:

I just wanna


be Breaking through the censorship and delivering raw, unedited content. Wanna be It's Joshua Michael in a noncompliant America.

Joshua Michael:

When they can't discredit you publicly, what do they do? They try to censor you. When they can't censor you, what do they do? They try to put you in prison. When they can't put you in prison, what do they do?

Joshua Michael:

They try to kill you. That's the plan. That's the modus operandi of the tyrannical system that has captured the United States of America, and we're seeing it unfold right now. All over, you're seeing it break down everywhere. As food prices go up and food scarcity increases and more poisonous food is underway because the FDA has no oversight in which what the chemicals that they're being put in the food and everything else they're poisoning us in every facet possible.

Joshua Michael:

Now, on the good news, the contrary, is the fact that people like President Trump, Robert F Kennedy, Tulsi Gabbard, you know, Vivek. Think of what you want with Vivek. You know, I'm just watching a couple people talk about how he got his money from the pharmaceutical industry. I get it, you know, but if you can use that money, for good, I think he is a great beacon in regards to that. Now, a lot of speculation going on with Brazil and X.

Joshua Michael:

This goes right in tandem with what we were talking about last week in regards to the mother of all Twitter files that, Ivan Raichlen's been talking about, on basically suggesting and encouraging Elon on September 3rd is going to be the day that would be the prime day to release all the data files and all the collaboration with the government on how they stole the 2020 election. All their private messages, all the communications with Twitter, Elon has it all. And this is gonna go in tandem with the whistleblower agenda that Ivan Franklin has talked about as well. Basically, giving everybody in the deep state an opportunity to become a whistleblower, devout pure, devotion to uncovering all the corruption in the government. He's given them a date.

Joshua Michael:

I forgot exactly which date it was. I think it's coming up in the next couple weeks weeks until he, I don't know what he's gonna do. He's just gonna expose it all. But this is why the importance of free speech and this is also why they're cracking down on it because they understand the playing field in which how this, government corruption needs to be exposed. The only way we're able to restore the Republic, the only way we're able to undermine the infrastructure of the system is if the average person knows what's going on.

Joshua Michael:

The average person walks away from these stupid football games and soccer games and all this crap that we that we fill our lives with outside of work to just try to live and exist and be happy, and I just wanna be with my family. I just wanna do this. I just wanna do that. We have to understand we're in a we're in a war whether we like it or not. Our sovereignty and our livelihoods are at stake, and just how fast we've seen things break down with COVID and how quickly you couldn't go to the ball game anymore.

Joshua Michael:

You couldn't go to the movies. You couldn't go to restaurants anymore, and you had to eat outside in the cold, which made no sense. They shut down all the parking lots out front of the restaurants downtown to where you had to go eat outside with no heater just so you wouldn't quote unquote spread COVID and the lunacy that happened with that. So you couldn't find a place to park. You couldn't stay warm.

Joshua Michael:

You'd be sitting in, you know, bundled up jackets in dead middle of winter eating cold food for what? So you can go to a restaurant? No. What that happened? What happened to that?

Joshua Michael:

A lot of restaurants closed down. So my favorite restaurants my favorite restaurants, they've been here for 30, 40 years. They've all shut down. That just means we're not in the same we're not in the same scope. And whether you choose to believe it or not, whether you choose to accept this reality or not, it will seat your fate whether you like it or not.

Joshua Michael:

And so you have to understand we're not in business as usual we're not in peaks and valleys and oh things will turn around the market's gonna shift everything else when they're paying farmers not to farm food and the farmers are taking the money and not putting food in the ground to grow guess what you're gonna have less food next year they're doing that everywhere they're doing it to pig farmers they're doing it to cow farmers they're now shutting down all these farms everywhere in the name of some new disease some new virus some bird flu virus that's infecting all of the farms and all of the chickens and all of the eggs and all of the cows they got to slaughter millions of cows They're shutting down the food so they can subsidize with bugs, so they can subsidize with experimental, different types of chemicals to try to make you be full. They're printing fake meat to try to get you to consume it, which is not real meat. It has the not real real nutrition in it. All for what? Why would they go so far and go above and beyond to try to do all this stuff?

Joshua Michael:

Because they know what's coming. They know as they push and as they demonstrate that they don't have your back and the great illusion, the great illusion of security that the police are there to protect you, the illusion of security that the military would never let anything like this happen, the great illusion that we are on our own, and the reality sets in that we are on our own as people. And that's why we have the Constitution. That's why we have the Bill of Rights. That's why we have the First Amendment and the Second Amendment and the Third Amendment because it's up to us as the individuals.

Joshua Michael:

And this is what the great thing that Trump has done. He's really brought all this stuff out to light, but he really needs us to be disciplined, assertive, and restore the republic from our micro level. And in return, he we will then be able to support him in his overall agenda if we're able to do that, but he can't do that if we don't get on board and understand what state of the world that we're in. This is the most important election in history, and we all have to realize they're gonna try to steal it. They're gonna try to hold their own inauguration even if Trump wins in a landslide, and they're already saying, oh, Kamala's beating, surging the polls.

Joshua Michael:

But just remember, folks, day before the election, they said Hillary Clinton was gonna win by 99.9%, and there was no way that Trump was gonna win the election. Just remember that. We're being gaslit. Trump's gonna win in a landslide, so we gotta make sure that that happens. And we gotta make sure when they try to steal it, that we need to be there and challenge that.

Joshua Michael:

We'll be right back. Alright. Welcome back, folks. So we're we're getting into, kind of the bigger picture. I wanna talk about the bigger picture of the time and the world that we're in and why it's important, to be involved now more than ever.

Joshua Michael:

Because it's very exciting. I know you guys all like to watch sports, and you guys, you know, you like to disconnect. It's Sunday. Here we are in the special broadcast on Sunday, kinda getting into it. And, yeah, I get it.

Joshua Michael:

But understand, these people are working around the clock to try to steal your futures. Now today is September 1, 2024, and just getting into some local news, Oregon is from the Oregon Firearms Federation. Today, I'd like to congratulate all the people with ghost guns out there. You are now a criminal in the state of Oregon if you own or possess any of those guns. Oregonians have honorably followed the footsteps of the Americans, most innovative firearms creators by crafting firearms and firearm parts themselves.

Joshua Michael:

They're now officially criminals. HB 2,005 makes it a crime to be or in any possession of a modern firearm or certain firearm parts unless you have been serialized in accordance with federal rules the only exception are firearms made before 1968 if the manufacturer did not include a serial number that's the only part that makes this real now if you got any ghost guns out there you know I don't know what to tell you I don't have any suggestion on that but the latest effort against the Second Amendment is underway. Both Republicans and Democrats could have easily stopped this house bill if they had a spine, and and and they don't. So the new law has officially taken place even though Kevin Starrett's been fighting it like hell for the past couple years. So here's an interesting point.

Joshua Michael:

If you currently own and have a ghost gun or a legally made firearm that you made yourself, if it's illegal to own or make any firearm, frame or receiver, without a serial number, then you're already a criminal if you attempt to have it serialized. So if you go to the state police and you're like, hey. I need to serial serialize a gun that I made, technically, you're admitting to a crime. So I don't know anybody stupid enough to do that, but so how are you in this conundrum? There's no grace period.

Joshua Michael:

They're just they just simply rammed it through and pushed it through. The judge in Portland denied the request for an injunction against the latest unconstitutional ban, Kevin Starrett says. And it's a woman, you know, no offense get to women, but, you know, sometimes, they don't have all the logic. So so many other judges across the country, they choose to misapply the rulings of Supreme Court and Second Amendment. What does that mean?

Joshua Michael:

You have the right to own and possess a gun. The game these judges are playing from coast to coast it's all part of a bigger agenda and what's the bigger agenda to make Americans criminals to make it illegal for them to operate in their own country, shelter and fund all the illegals to create this giant coup and overtaking of our country. They understand the American people aren't gonna go gracefully into the night. So what do they do? The Democratic Party.

Joshua Michael:

Oh, we're gonna be free. We're gonna be fair. We need to be open. It's the staple of America. We're the melting pot.

Joshua Michael:

We're the melting pot. We just need to let everybody come in and let them take over the country and let them not adopt any of the American value systems. In Aurora, Colorado, the ICE facility, I think it was a couple days ago, they just removed the American flag and put a Mexican flag up there. Yeah. That's American.

Joshua Michael:

That's the American spirit. That's the American way. These groups are predatory. They don't care about America. They only care about all the free stuff that they're gonna get because they're getting paid by all these nonprofit organizations to be here.

Joshua Michael:

California just approved a $150,000, And one of the main criterias to get the approval for that money to purchase a house in the state of California is you have to be illegal. You have to pee illegal, and and these government subsidies, I'll give you a $150,000. It's $30,000 in Oregon. So I mean, Oregon, where you at? You know what I mean?

Joshua Michael:

But I wanna talk about this takeover this apartment complex because it's making news everywhere, and everybody's talking about it. And they're like, oh, the Hell's Angels are coming. The Hell's Angels are coming. They're gonna go deal with the Venezuelan migrants. The Venezuelan Venezuelan illegals.

Joshua Michael:

I don't think that's the case. I don't think that they're gonna do that. There's no been a been a there's been no official, official, you know, statement by anybody at the Hells Angels, so it can't be confirmed. It's all just speculative, but it's just a online frenzy where everybody's freaking out about it and everything else. But let's talk about what the mayor of Aurora said in this interview, about this migrant illegal takeover and these military age men that are from Venezuela that are trying to take over these different parts of the city.

Joshua Michael:

Take a listen.

News Broadcaster:

Aurora, Colorado. Mayor, thank you very much for for coming on with us. It seems it's tough to even get some confirmation of the details of what is going on there. First off, can you confirm whether or not this gang has taken over these buildings there in Aurora?

Mayor Of Aurora:

So there are several buildings, actually under the same ownership, out of state ownership, that have, fallen to, these Venezuelan gangs. We're I'm trying to walk it back and do the and do the investigation as to how the there's a concentration of Venezuelans, in these these three buildings. Somebody put them there and somebody funded it, whether it's federal government or not. We're trying to find out who these gangs apparently are attracted to where there's a concentration of of, Venezuelan migrants. And so, they've in fact have

Joshua Michael:

Hold on one second. Hold on one second. Did he just say that the federal government might have put them there? Did he just say that? So the federal government is now being confirmed by the by the mayor as a speculation of possibly have shuttled those illegals, those armed military age men into that apartment complex, and he he's not sure.

Joshua Michael:

He hasn't confirmed, but why would he ever think that? Where would he ever get that idea? Because that's just an absurd concept. But it's another example of you get too much politics, you get too many Democrats in a room, and it's not just Democrats too. To most of the Oregon Republicans, they're all a bunch of milk toast coward losers that are all bought and paid off, you know, trying to put freaking windmills, down in Coos County that are just gonna destroy the environment.

Joshua Michael:

They're not gonna help anybody. They're and they're gonna fill their pockets like David Brock Smith, who's a traitor to this country, China Brock Smith. And so why is he not sending in SWAT teams and raid teams immediately to extract those guys out there? Why is he going on a news broadcast being like, yeah. We're trying to figure it out.

Joshua Michael:

Yeah. It is confirmed that the you know, there are a couple apartment buildings that these migrants did take over, and, you know, we're we're trying to figure out where they came from. How about you arrest them all, then you try to figure it out? How about you preserve law and order, and then you try to figure it out? Why are you leaving these people so helpless?

Joshua Michael:

It's been days, and they can't do anything about it? You haven't figured it out? How are you not sending a response team immediately? Because I guarantee you I guarantee you, if there was a white man with a gun, you know, walking around, maybe trying to protect his property, the whole freaking SWAT team would be there in 20 minutes and surround that whole place and probably kill the guy. So how are you guys letting this happen?

Joshua Michael:

It's absurd, but I guarantee you, he's being paid off, and he's being slow played out of either lack of funding because he doesn't want to admit publicly that they're understaffed. If you remember, I played a report a couple months ago. There was a large city, and I believe they had 6 on duty police officers in a city with over a 100000 people at one time, and they admitted it. Why they admitted it? I don't know, but they're like, yeah.

Joshua Michael:

We can't show up to everything. We can't show up to all your calls and petty crimes and, you know, you had homelessness, carjackings, you know, all these illegals. What do you think that they do all day? They're stalking women, they're trying to kidnap them at Fred Meyer's, and they're doing all this crazy stuff, and the police, sometimes they respond, sometimes they don't respond. They're not doing anything about it.

Joshua Michael:

They're not here to protect you. You have to protect yourself. And one of the ways that you do that, which I wanted to talk about this, I was supposed to go to, Paladin Safety Systems. This is John McDonald. He's the chief instructor.

Joshua Michael:

You can give him a call. 503-881-3558. And he has an NRA sponsored program that teaches you the basic principles for prime convention or excuse me, crime convention and personal safety. Most of the topics are cybersecurity, personal protection devices, psychology of criminals, mental preparedness, physical security, and travel security. These are things this is something that everybody should do, both men and women alike, and then you should also regurgitate this stuff to your children because that is your job as a parent is to teach your kids how to protect themselves.

Joshua Michael:

And let them know situational awareness is 90% preventative. If you're situationally aware of your surroundings, most of the time, you would be able to get out of the situation and or always have a backup plan. For example, I know that's not the best way to live, but start counting your execs. Be around people that are gonna protect you where you guys band together. Don't ever go anywhere alone.

Joshua Michael:

Don't ever do things like that. Safety experts agree. The single most important step

Joshua Michael:

toward ensuring your personal safety is making a conscious decision to refuse to

Joshua Michael:

be a victim. They never catch in this bag.

Joshua Michael:

Me and my buddy. We working hard for Take this moment to reflect on all the wrongs that have been committed by you and think of simple actions that can be done to repair those broken friendships. We must come together in this human struggle. And remember, there is no greater accomplishment than a collaborated effort into the future of man. A common goal to strive to be better, friendlier, and less self absorbed.

Joshua Michael:

If we all stopped consuming ourselves and started giving back into the universe, we can overcome any tyrannical regime that dare to destroy our lives. Understand that these plastic pacifiers and consumer consciousness can be overcome. You simply need to say no and cut back and take control back into your life. Turn the television off. Grab your time back.

Joshua Michael:

Go outside. Donate. Love yourself and remember, nobody can take your freedom away from you without your consent. The distractions in this world are nothing new. They wanna rob you of your time and make you run the clock out.

Joshua Michael:

Don't wait. Don't wait until you're staring at the end of your life in the face buried in regret. Understand that you have a choice today, right now, in this moment, and every moment from this day to sacrifice everything to be happy, prosperous, and make that positive impact in the world.


Broadcasting from the formal state of Oregon in FEMA Region 10, It's your host, Joshua Michael.

Joshua Michael:

Alright. Welcome back, folks. This is the last segment. Man, this show flies by. Got lots of things to talk about.

Joshua Michael:

We just talk about all kinds of stuff. We're talking about Elon Musk. We're talking about preservation and safety, for the individual, which, again, I think is so critical, and it's so important for you to refuse not to be a victim and take control of your life. Take control of your family. Inspire people to want to do better.

Joshua Michael:

Let them know. Call these people out. One of the things one of the big things, you know, if you're encountered by a stalker or predator, and they're around you, they simply want you to behave a certain way. They wanna feel powerful. A lot of the time, these kidnappers and different people, rapists, all this stuff, they want the power.

Joshua Michael:

They want the energy. They want the dominance because they're weak men or women for that matter, but they want the dominance. And if you turn, plant your feet, and address them, posture your shoulders, and say, I don't know who you think you are, but you better back up right now and look at them in the eye. They will cower in fear most of the time. They don't want the confrontation.

Joshua Michael:

They like to operate in the shadows. One of the things that I'm seeing right now, which you should all be aware, you can buy these little tracking devices, these, bug sweepers on Amazon and different things like that. And you can sweep your cars and vehicles for tracking devices because what these guys do is they'll go in, and they'll they'll find a find, you know, somebody that they wanna stock or be around, and they're getting caught all over, and that's the dangers of technology. But if you understand technology and understand how it works, protect yourself against it, then you can take more preventative precautions. So what this girl did is she started scanning her car, and she found a couple different AirTags that were put on her car.

Joshua Michael:

And she was getting notifications on her phone about it and different things like that. And she found them, and then they also tracked it back to the people that were following her around. Now you say, oh, that would never happen to me. That would never happen to me. Yeah.

Joshua Michael:

It it's it's happening everywhere. And so you have to protect yourself, you know, and and, you know, people need to be aware of these types of things because they are happening more and more and more, and we have a wide open border where these guys are heavily funded, heavily organized, and they're being protected by the police departments and our government. This is the October surprise. This is the move to try to take down America from within because it creates a position, and that's why the Democrats hammer so hard on identity politics and race based politics. And now Kamala's changed her Wikipedia to where it says that she's a black woman or half black woman, where the Wikipedia, you can use the Wayback Machine.

Joshua Michael:

You can go back to 10 years ago, 8 years ago even, and it says she's an Indian woman. You can watch the interview where she's with her family, where she's Indian. So that's just a a a an endless rabbit hole, but it demonstrates the hypocrisy. They want the race based politics because the people coming in here illegally, they're not coming from Europe. They're coming from all these third world countries from all over the world, and they're different.

Joshua Michael:

And guess what? Whether you like it or not, we're the minority now because the floodgates are flooding. And all you incompetent, you know, white people aren't having babies like these other, civilizations are. They're not you're just not having babies because you wanna live your life and, you know, you don't wanna have kids, you don't wanna bring kids into this world, and so you're not procreating the same pace. And they're gonna outpace us, you know, within 30 years, and they already are everywhere.

Joshua Michael:

And so, to be scared about that is you gotta understand there is a much longer, more intellectual game being played, and you gotta bring everything that you can to be involved and take charge of your life. Otherwise, this country is gonna be gone. So if you already have kids, they're gonna be living in a dystopian society. Now we do have a good chance, and a lot of people are waking up, and that's why they're pressing, the Telegram thing and the Elon Musk thing, but Elon Musk gets it, and he understands, and he holds the keys to the kingdom. So will he be releasing the mother of all Twitter files with Ivan Raichlen that he's been talking about on 3rd prior to the debate?

Joshua Michael:

This is why it's so important that he's saying that the 3rd would be the best date to release this because that gives it time to go soak up into the media. I would say the independent media. I don't think the mainstream media is gonna cover this because it's so detrimental to their narrative. It's so detrimental to their control. That's why it's important to be on X and get on X, and if you if you haven't yet, you gotta jump on there.

Joshua Michael:

Make sure to follow me at noncompliantaf because we're posting cutting edge stuff all the time as it happens, and that's the beauty of free and open information. And that's the fight that you wanna get in. That's where you wanna start getting your news. Don't depend on me to give you these downloads all the time every week because I only do a show once a week. So you can't be dependent on me on giving you all the new cutting edge stuff of what's going on.

Joshua Michael:

You gotta get engaged yourself because it's breaking constantly. And if you want some ideas on who to follow, on who's non biased, and really breaking stories, left and right, there's tons of people on there that are doing phenomenal jobs, And then it's all independent journalism. It's real hand account for what's going on. It's real videos that people are taking with their cell phones and posting what's actually happening. What's actually going on.

Joshua Michael:

And that's important that's how you get real information don't wait for the news broadcaster at 6 pm on night at night if you still have cable, yeah I mean good for you You're overpaying for it because all this news and information, you can get quicker, faster, and more truthful with no spins. No spins. So there's one more story I want to cover. Alex Jones had a conversation with Chat GPT, over the weekend on Saturday, and it is hilarious, but scary, but also very telling at the same time. And one of the questions that he asked was, was president Trump assassinated, in July in Butler, Pennsylvania?

Joshua Michael:

And Chat gbt says there's no evidence. There's nothing that concludes that that actually happened. And if you wanna get into theories and philosophies, I'd be happy to talk to you about that, but there's no legitimate news source that has stated that. As well as they're they're shifting what's being talked about, and that shows that AI is not forever powerful, the all knowing, and gonna be the takeover. It means it's being manipulated by these groups to try to steer the public toward different things.

Joshua Michael:

You're listening to Joshua Michael, noncompliant America. Thank you for listening, and as always, stay frosty folks, and watch your 6. We'll see you next week.

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