Download MP3If the road were easy, everyone would do it. We don't shy away from challenges. We dive in. And now live from an undisclosed location in FEMA Region 10, it's your host, Joshua Michael.
Speaker 2:Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. Joshua Michael to non compliant America. Going on 2 years now on this show, and, I'm glad that you're with us. I'm glad that you're joining us. A lot of news going on.
Speaker 2:A lot of stuff. Get ready for, the Trump inauguration. It's 9 days away. And all the things that have been transpiring. I'll never let you go.
Speaker 2:Are we gonna make it there? Is 2025 going to be the shift of the new golden age that Donald Trump has been talking about for quite some time? I hope so. In some ways, it looks like it. In some ways, it doesn't.
Speaker 2:Some ways, it looks like things have been incrementally dismantled. And just like Obamacare and the insurance agencies and insurance companies, which I wanna get into with the effects that's having on California, you can't just rebuild things in a year or 2 years or 4 years, and he's only got one term left, to do. So what does that mean for the state of the world? What does that mean for the state of the country? And how are we going to navigate these next 4 years with constant attacks, constant, you know, dismantling of our economy, of our infrastructure, of our systems that they're trying to destroy.
Speaker 2:Now there's a famous tale, and this applies to my personal life too. So interesting is that we're in the best of times and the worst of times. You know, if if you look across the aisle on one way, you could see mass death, destruction, sickness, you know, economic collapse, all this stuff. But then you look at the other side and you're seeing, you know, all these people that normally wouldn't be having a political discussion, suddenly talking about politics, suddenly standing up for things. I don't know if you saw the the award ceremonies, the Hollywood award ceremonies these past couple weeks.
Speaker 2:But they're like, we're not doing politics. We just wanna come back to the center. We wanna be entertaining. We wanna be funny again. We wanna do all this.
Speaker 2:That's because they lost, folks. They lost. They lost the entire culture war, all the garbage, DEI crap, LGBTQ nonsense that they try to shove down our throats all the time. They lost. And not only did they lose, they lost bigly.
Speaker 2:Because nobody wants that garbage. Nobody wants social structure shoved down their throat, and being told what you should and should not accept, and what's real and what's not. The game is over. We realize that. However, there's a big report I'm gonna play.
Speaker 2:It's about 4 or 5 minutes long, but it breaks down how, yes, they lost a culture war, but did they give up? And the answer is no. They didn't give up at all. They're simply regrouping right now. They are, trying to curry favor to the American people and trying to pretend again that they're on their side or they're coming around.
Speaker 2:They're coming around to the idea, you know, free speech and all this stuff. Like, yeah, we'll, we'll come around. And so what they're doing is they're actually going underground and building more sophistication in their infrastructure with AI on how to persuade the public in the direction that they want them to go. Now, it's gonna be interesting with the next 10 year cycle and the 10 year generation, with the integration of these AI systems and how sophisticated they've become, it's becoming very hard to decipher truth versus reality. And that's what we've been trying to warn you about, for years is how do you decipher truth from reality?
Speaker 2:How do you? AI is getting so good. Videos are becoming so complicated and so sophisticated. It's extremely difficult. There's a movie called The Heist.
Speaker 2:I think it's coming out 25 this year. I don't know if it's come out yet. Completely made with AI. 100%. No actors, just writers.
Speaker 2:And all they do is write in the scripts of what they want the video footage to be, and then they paste it together. I mean, that's crazy. And I saw it and it looks I mean, you can tell a little bit but that's only, beta test operational one. Imagine how much better it's gonna get. It's like the first car ever made or the first airplane ever made.
Speaker 2:Yeah. The first one is not gonna be that good. Look at Elon Musk and his rockets just in the past 2 years how much he has advanced his different stages of rockets. But you always have to get on the playing field first. You always have to be the first one, and then the guy after you is going to try to better and better and better, and that's how civilization grows.
Speaker 2:That's how civilization works. So there's a lot of news. A lot going on with this fire. What does it mean? There's a lot of speculation of are they burning the people out of their communities because they didn't wanna sell because it was in these ritzy communities, and the regular people that have lived there for generations didn't wanna sell.
Speaker 2:So maybe they used a dew weapon, directed energy weapon. Maybe antifa's lighting fires everywhere or these illegal immigrants, which they are catching and they are arresting, they are finding them, and there's lots of Internet videos of people in LA, around LA starting fires, getting caught, starting fires. That's a fact. I mean, in the most sinful city, most degenerate disgusting city on the country. Of course, that's gonna happen.
Speaker 2:Especially as other fires start lighting, people are gonna jump on because they don't care. They have no soul. They have no soul. I think LA is probably up there with Las Vegas as far as being a soulless city. It is.
Speaker 2:Homeless capital of the world by far. So to think that people just don't care about life or they're on drugs or whatever, they're gonna go do whatever they want. And so there's a lot of crime. There's a lot of things that are happening in there right now surrounding this, but, you know, whatever caused the fire, the fact is is it happened. And now there's insurance companies dropping, homeowners and not allowing them to have insurance.
Speaker 2:Meanwhile, California is mandating insurance companies to insure these homes that are virtually uninsurable, in which they just and this was weeks ago, but now they just had a big fire, even gonna make it worse. So the insurance company is gonna go, okay. Cool. Cool. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Yeah. It's gonna add $1,000 a month to your payment for insurance because you're in a high risk area, this and that, and whatever the the underwriter reasonings are. But they're gonna price you out of being able to afford your home. So your mortgage might not have changed.
Speaker 2:You might have a great rate on your mortgage. The taxes might be moderate. But now the insurance is gonna increase your payment up to $1,000 a month, even 400. Imagine 400, 500, just for insurance per month is now gonna go up on these people, and it's pricing them out. And that's virtually what they want.
Speaker 2:That's what they want in Lahaina, in Maui. You know? And look at what's happening with that. And then the other thing and this was an interesting point that Patrick Ben David, was talking about in regards to these fires, because I think it's a I think it's a phenomenal point, is that the regulatory element and the regulation and the permitting bureaucracy in the state of California makes it nearly impossible to make any progress on, say, a new construction home, anything that requires a permit, which in California, virtually everything requires a permit. And so all these leftists, all these blue city loving liberals that just had their house burnt down, and they're gonna go to rebuild.
Speaker 2:Say they get their insurance to go through everything else. Okay? Here's what's gonna happen. On average, in that area, it takes about 2 to 3 years before they can even break ground to get their permits. That's how tied up, jammed up that bureaucracy is.
Speaker 2:It's not the builder's fault. It's not the homeowner's fault. It's not anything. It's the process. And that's how it was prior to the fire.
Speaker 2:2 to 3 years. So what's gonna happen is all these people, all these big donors, millionaires, there were some nice homes that were burned down. That's a pretty nice area. They're gonna go back to rebuild. They're gonna wanna rebuild.
Speaker 2:Of course, they wanna rebuild. They wanna get back get get back to it, and they got the money to do it, everything else. But it's not about the money. It's about the system. It's about the infrastructure.
Speaker 2:It's about their ability to actually get the permit to build the house, which can take up to 3 years. Do you know how upset and how that come to Jesus moment in their mind of holy crap, this system is broken. This is absolutely ridiculous. Why is it this way? Why is it taking so long just to build a house?
Speaker 2:I got the money. I got the insurance claim. I got all this stuff. I just wanna build my house. Well, sorry, sir.
Speaker 2:This is just the way it is. But you know what? We're saving we're saving paper, so we're doing everything through email so we can save the planet. He's like, I don't care about the plan. I don't I don't care about all that.
Speaker 2:Why why you guys why you guys doing all that? And how is it taking so long? And so what's gonna happen? This is my prediction. This is absolutely my prediction.
Speaker 2:Is that as this stuff unfolds, I don't think it's gonna happen in a year. I don't think it's gonna happen in 2 years. But I think 3 or 4 years, California is going to have such a tidal wave shift in the way that they operate. 1, I think Newsom's already on his way out. He's already on his way out.
Speaker 2:He's getting pressure from Trump, but he's gonna start getting pressure from these people in these communities, which are leftist, which are democrats, which are true believers. But now they're having to face the jaws of their creation in which now it's going to drastically change their perspective because they are now personally affected by the policies, the terrible policies of California, which I think is gonna be enough traumatic experience to shift their perspective, shift their mindset, potentially turn more toward a Trump agenda, Trump type mindset. So that's my prediction. The one state in the entire country now has an opportunity, I think, in the next 5 to 10 years, to go red, which I think it will. And and a lot of the con a lot of the state already is.
Speaker 2:It's just these captured areas, one of them which just burnt huge amounts of, land for it. So they're still doing evacuations, anger and resentment rises. Hollywood stars are having their fire their homes burned. There's about 10,000 structures that have been destroyed so far. $155,000,000 and counting.
Speaker 2:A lot of celebrity homes, death toll expected to rise. There's still some people that, haven't, you know, done it. And then there's this other thing called a smart city. Have you heard of it? Well, guess what?
Speaker 2:This area had plans to build a smart city on it. And where did we hear this before? This is the same thing that Lahaina had in Maui. They had a smart city initiative right in that area in which the locals weren't selling. What's going on here?
Speaker 2:What does this mean? We'll be right back. Use my body to keep you alive.
Speaker 1:It's time to unmask the truth and expose the lies. The occupied forces do not want you to hear this broadcast. Breaking through the censorship and delivering raw unedited content. It's Joshua Michael with noncompliant America.
Speaker 2:Alright. So we got, 9 days. 9 days. Trump has to survive and make it. Will he do it?
Speaker 2:Are they gonna spiral us into a civil war? Well, a lot of people think so. Dan Bongino warns Trump's life is in danger, says Secret Service and FBI lying to transition team about inauguration security. Gee, don't you think I absolutely think so? Bongino said he was reluctant to talk about his fear, but he felt obligated to sound the alarm about his hunch that the Secret Service FBI are lying to Trump.
Speaker 2:Gee, do you think that he knows that? Absolutely. These are the same people that tried to kill him. These are the same people that covered up the shooting. These are the same people.
Speaker 2:Of course, he knows. Oh, so, Dan Bongino, you're hesitant. I like Dan Bongino, actually. But he said the Trump transition team knows, and they're being lied to, but can't do anything about it until administration formally takes power, which makes sense. So are they walking into a trap?
Speaker 2:Of course, they are. Of course, they're walking into a trap. That's exactly what they signed up for. That's exactly the game that we're playing. That's exactly the system in which has built itself specifically for moments like this to eat and absorb and destroy anybody that tries to stand up against it.
Speaker 2:And that's exactly what's happening. So I think he knows exactly what he's getting into. Bongino's ominous comment came just days after the government whistleblower came forward and exposed a homeland security memorandum of unprecedented, unraveling internal requests for emergency medical personnel at president Donald Donald Trump's upcoming Washington DC inauguration. The whistleblower, a high level Department of Veterans Affairs insider, provided James O'Keefe from O'Keefe Media Group with the document. What concerned me was that it's never been requested before.
Speaker 2:And if you don't know, the h a HHS memo detailing unprecedented presidential inauguration medical personnel support deployment request, which it's never been done before. So what does that mean? What are they expecting? So there's a post James O'Keefe talking about it. President Trump and his security team must be overtly vigilant in preparing for the upcoming inauguration.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. 100%. But I think the minute that bullet whizzed by Trump's ear, he realized what game he's playing. He realized what planet he's on. He realized what he has to do, and I think he made that decision.
Speaker 2:I think he made the right decision. So that's good on you, Dan, to, to put that out there, but, I think we all understand the game. And if you don't understand the game at this point, then, you know, I don't think you ever will cause it's never been more obvious ever. Here's an interesting turn of events in regards to the past couple weeks. People talking about Greenland, and Trump buying Greenland.
Speaker 2:Right? Well, now the prime minister of Greenland is now ready to talk with Donald Trump about the future of the island. Donald Trump has described US control of the semi autonomous Danish territory as an absolute necessity. In recent days, he refused to dismiss the military economic means, including tariffs against Denmark to gain control of the island. At press conference in Copenhagen, prime minister, Miuht Egged, said he had not yet spoken to Trump but is now ready to do so.
Speaker 2:Who was just in Greenland last week? Was it Donald Trump junior? I think it was. Yes, it was. But that doesn't mean we are cutting all ties, all corp cooperation and relations with Denmark.
Speaker 2:They wanted to make sure. It sounds like he he they they already came to their agreement. But he kinda said that we already came to our agreements because we're not gonna cut all ties with Denmark. But the Danish prime minister, Frederiksen, who was also at the press conference said she had for a meeting with Trump, but that would not be taking place before the inauguration on January 20th. Greenland, which is home just to 60,000 people, has been a semi autonomous territory since 1953.
Speaker 2:In 2009, it gained the right to seek independence from Denmark through a referendum. The US military base is in Northern Greenland. US interest to acquisition Denmark dates back from 1910. The immediate aftermath of World War 2, the US came very close to purchasing Greenland from Denmark, offering a 100,000,000 in gold. But the US government even considered offering land in Prado Bay, Alaska to Denmark in exchange.
Speaker 2:And about the serious negotiation between US and Denmark remained classified until 19 seventies. So that's an interesting, interesting transformation. What's going to be happening with that? Before we go to break here, Brazil gives Meta and Facebook 72 hours to explain its new fact checking policy. And this is developing story.
Speaker 2:It's super interesting because if you don't know, Zuckerberg came out and said, we're gonna have a free speech platform on our accounts now and you could talk about whatever you want. And it's all about being open and we're not gonna have fact checkers anymore. We're not gonna do all of this stuff. Why? Because they're going underground.
Speaker 2:They are not going to stop. They came out too heavy, too bold, too brazen. They're not going to stop. They're gonna keep going. This is just a possum position which we can't be fooled.
Speaker 2:So let's not all run all over back to Facebook and Instagram and think that we're gonna be winning and have free speech again. It's a golden opportunity to exploit exploit and red pill and do all of these things to everybody that you can at this moment because they're gonna try to close it back up again. They're just trying to lure all you guys because we got privy to their game. We got privy to their operation, their modus operandi, and we explode exposed and blew the hell out of it. You, the listener, us at non compliant America, all these people, the individual, the American spirit, the resurrection of this country, Trump, Elon, RFK, all these people.
Speaker 2:It is because of that why the corporations are responding to us. Corporations follow trends. They don't set trends. We set the trends. Let's not let's not forget that.
Speaker 2:We'll be right back.
Speaker 1:If the road were easy, everyone would take it. We don't shy away from challenges, we dive in. And now live from an undisclosed location in FEMA Region 10, it's your host, Joshua Michael.
Speaker 2:Alright. Look. Welcome. Welcome back to non compliance America. I am here to talk about things and expose things that will not be talked about on most other radio shows.
Speaker 2:Most other radio shows are not gonna be covering things, so they're gonna be covering a covering a portion of it because they're bought and paid for and controlled, and I am not. Nobody pays me to do this. I don't make any money on some advertisement nonprofit, you know, shell corporation that's working for some big pharma organization or anything else. My goal is to talk about anything and everything that is off limits and important and I think relevant to our society in order for us to grow, become more informed, become more aware, and more enlightened into a better, more peaceful society. Now, in accomplishing that, in going toward a more peaceful society, there's a lot of growing pains that go with that.
Speaker 2:There's a lot of things that come with it. There's a lot of attacks. There's a lot of different layers, both spiritually, physically, all these different types of layers in each and in individual parts of our lives that we have to go through. I've been going through a lot of spiritual battles lately. It's it's probably one of the hardest, times in my life, but I know that God has my back, which is way different than things were when they were hard 10, 15 years ago for me.
Speaker 2:You know? I didn't know God. I didn't know God had my back. Right? And so I guess that's the biggest difference, and that's and that's the important thing about having your relationship with God and Jesus and and, knowing that all this is temporary.
Speaker 2:And with God on our side, we can do anything. We could go walk through any type of fire, any type of, situation. And so I guess that's kinda what I wanna talk about real quick is that I am being attacked tremendously, and I haven't figured out if I want to talk about it or not on the air. Because that kinda gives it validity. That kinda gives it, it gives it energy.
Speaker 2:Because everything's a bay basically a transfer of energy. And so if you focus on something, if you concentrate on it, if you talk about it, especially on the air and you blast it out through the radio waves, are you massaging that? Are you creating more of it by amplifying it? Or are you exposing it and venting it out? I think it's a little bit of both.
Speaker 2:It's hard to hard to decide what direction to go with that. But just understand, you know, I haven't slept more than a couple hours in the past week. I don't know why. I mean, obviously, there's a lot going on. You know?
Speaker 2:My kids are trying to get taken away from me, which is absolutely crazy because, you know, I am a great dad, and the thing that I love most in this world, and this is how I know that, I'm a good dad, is because I love being a dad. And things that I love and that I'm passionate about, I get into it. I love hanging out with my kids. That's one of the funnest, most enjoyable thing in my life. And I'm so blessed to have them.
Speaker 2:I'm so blessed to, to have time with them and spend time with them. And for that to be under attack by a snarling, you know, disgruntled person, that wants to destroy the sanctity of the son and the father relationship is probably one of the most I mean, I've seen some really nasty stuff in the world. That's probably one of the most disgusting things that I've seen and experienced in my life. Somebody that's willing to lie, cheat, steal, deceive, just relentlessly to try to take my kids away is crazy. Now I know there's probably a lot of men out there listening that have a very similar story.
Speaker 2:In fact, if you do have a similar story, something somebody that you know, something that's happened to you in regards to the system, there's always the Oregon system. Oregon judges always favored the women. I I don't know. I I I'm not sure if I believe that. I think some judges do.
Speaker 2:I think my judge does. But, that's okay. I'm getting all that figured out. I'm getting it all worked out. I still have a good relationship with my son.
Speaker 2:I only get to see him for basically one day every other week even though there was anyways, I'm not trying to get into it too much, but that's all being appealed. It's gonna be reversed, all this stuff, but it's taken a toll on my family. It's taken a toll on my son. It's taken a toll on everything. So if you're a father or mother, and you have a story, I'm gonna dedicate a show.
Speaker 2:Not this coming inauguration because because next weekend is the 2 days before inauguration. I have a bunch of stuff I wanna cover for that. But I'm gonna dedicate a show, and I would like each and you gotta be from Oregon because I wanna talk about the dysfunction. And then I also wanna dive deeper into that show on talking about why. Why does Oregon why is it trying to destroy the family, and what's the overall agenda for that?
Speaker 2:That is a spiritual thing. The faster they can disrupt the child from feeling absolutely 100% secure, and they could rip the child apart having going from house to house, creating anxiety, creating all of these mental uncertainties, creating instability, what does that do to the child? That creates a retraction. And so they retract because they're not getting comfort. Well, they still need fulfillment.
Speaker 2:So where do they go? They seek comfort through other means. The state, school, bad people at school, bad kids, bad neighborhoods, bad things. Because no matter what you do, it's all just a shift of energy. So either that energy is gonna be absorbed by a strong united family, or it's gonna spew out into the world through TikTok, and OnlyFans, and whatever else kind of garbage that they're gonna absorb through video games.
Speaker 2:And that's where I think our civilization has really taken a toll. It's because of the places like Oregon, which are captured, and they have a CCP Communist Chinese Party underbelly on trying to roll out this DEI LGBTQ crap. It's not about equal rights. It's not about equality. It's not about any of that crap.
Speaker 2:It's about ripping the family apart, creating hysteria, and detaching the kid earlier in their life than they should from the family, creating the insecurities, which what does that do? That puts up puts them on SSRI drugs. Who wins in that? The doctors, pharmaceutical industry? There's a mental illness for anything.
Speaker 2:I don't care how normal or sane or stable you think you are. You go see a doctor enough. They're gonna find a mental illness. They will. They have a mental illness for everything.
Speaker 2:Look it up. There's a mental illness for everything. So why weren't there mental illnesses 200 years ago? Because the reality is is that people are different. People have different experiences.
Speaker 2:They have different perspectives, and that's one of the most beautiful things in the world. But if you validate a mental illness, then suddenly you start to frame your mind, and this is the energy thing, focusing the energy on the negative or the positive. Which one do you which direction do you wanna take? If you focus the energy on this thing that somebody else scripted and has defined you, that definition then becomes you, even though you probably don't fit to a tee that definition. But once you recognize that definition, and then you handicap yourself on being able to strive and grow, you stop growing.
Speaker 2:You stop progressing. And so they want all this these functional people to where we don't have strong communities, we don't have strong families, kids aren't listening to their parents, they don't care, they're out in the wild, And now guess what? They're all dressed up in antifa masks, lighting fires in LA. Couple years ago, lighting fires in Oregon. Nobody wanted to talk about that.
Speaker 2:So what I'm getting at is that we're all facing our thing, but I am gonna host a 100% show, and I want you guys to reach out to me. You can contact me at my email atjm@noncompliantamerica, and I wanna hear your story. I wanna hear your experience with the Oregon, judicial system on whether it was fair or unfair. And if you've been doing it for a long time, like I have, I'm going on 10 years, how was that experience, and how are you doing now, and how are you navigating it? I wanna have you on the show, and I wanna talk about it.
Speaker 2:Or you can just send me an email if you want it to be anonymous. But this is a very important key element to me and my buddy the golden future and golden era that we're going to. We have to get our families in order. Be right back. Catching the slack.
Speaker 2:Me and my buddy. Oh. We're working hard for this money. Alright. Welcome back folks.
Speaker 2:Joshua Michael. Thanks for tuning in here at the 4th hour. We're leading toward a cliff, and we have an option. And Trump is giving us an opportunity to take our country back. Now there's a lot of conspiracies on there.
Speaker 2:People say that's already happened. He's getting ready to absolve the 18/71 agreement where the United States was basically purchased by, Great Britain, and they have owned the United States Corporation since 18/71. Supposedly, that is getting absolved on January 20th, and we're gonna be the US the United States of America again. Not the United States Corporation, but the United States of America. Now that may or may not happen.
Speaker 2:That's kinda more some cue stuff. But what's interesting, bunch of cue stuff that was going on in 2017, 2018, 2019 with the NESARA and the Oregon or excuse me, the treasury, the state treasury or the United States treasury, excuse me, and absorbing the IRS and getting rid of the IRS. I mean, all that sounds great, and it may or may not happen. But what we need to focus on is what we can control. We can't control what's going on in India.
Speaker 2:We can't control what's going on in Iran and Israel. But I wanna talk about something that Ian Carroll posted on X the other day, about Israel, and he posted it, and Elon Musk responded to it. And it was about how Israel controls 90% of the congress and most of our foreign aid and foreign influence, how there's 1,000,000,000 and 1,000,000,000 and 1,000,000,000 of dollars being sent to Israel, and they've been caught around 911. They were caught with, staging things all over these universities with Mossad agents posed as students right before 911. And he posed some very interesting questions, but I wanna play this video because I think it's very crystallizing and very important.
Speaker 2:And it's a conversation that Republicans need to have. Calling Israel our best ally, I don't think is a healthy perspective when you look at the facts and look at how they've co opted us in so many ways, how most of congress are dual citizens with Israel, and what Israel has done to us in return with the money that you, your taxpayers, have given them. And so I think it's an interesting conversation, but now that's being had on the forefront, and it's a very, very, very interesting question to be asking. You know? I know there's a lot of conservatives that are just Israel or nothing, look a blind eye, just give them whatever they want.
Speaker 2:We need to protect them. They are our ally. And I think if just like anything, if you got a friend in your life, somebody that's supposed to have your back and they don't have your back, it's very hard to continue to be their friend. Now I don't think we should cut Israel off, but I think that we should stop giving them a bunch of money.
Speaker 3:So this might have been a bad idea, but Elon posted some super Israel Zionist propaganda. And I responded, for being so smart, you're exceptionally bad at understanding this one issue. It's kinda weird. And I got a lot of likes on that post. And he responded, like, what am I missing?
Speaker 3:And so naturally, I wrote a freaking essay about it, and it took 40 minutes to get 11 k to 2 k ratio on that. So here's some of my concerns. And right at the start, let's just be clear. I'm not saying that all Jews are in on some Jewish evil conspiracy to run the world. Okay?
Speaker 3:That would be a straw man argument, and that's not what I'm claiming. We're talking about Israel here. And these are just some of the most obvious ones. First off, that APAC has purchased the seats of, like, 90% of our congress, give or take. I made a whole thread with all my sources, and in this case, I used a video that I made myself where I cited a whole bunch of sources about APAC and about JFK trying to get them to register as a foreign agent the months before he got shot, and then they never registered.
Speaker 3:Secondly, that Israel is obviously the state sponsor of Jeffrey Epstein. He was an Israeli operation through and through, from his handler being Ehud Barak, the ex prime minister of Israel, as well as the ex head of Israeli military intelligence. His funding was from Les Wexner, one of the world's richest Zionist philanthropists, and he was accused openly by ex Mossad assets of being Mossad. And that's not to mention his connection to Robert Maxwell, one of the most infamous Mossad spies ever. In that case, I used another one of my videos where I cited a whole bunch of evidence, and I'm just using them because they're they're fun ways to consume a lot of primary sources and evidence very quickly.
Speaker 3:But in most of these cases, I've made tons of different videos, and there's tons of evidence out there about all these claims. These are not complex claims. I mean, in this case, the most obvious and direct source is just to read One Nation Under Blackmail by Whitney Webb. I'm on my 3rd read through right now. Next, the Israel is the only nation who has a de facto sanction, but it's actually secret and unsanctioned nuclear program.
Speaker 3:That's a program that they stole from the United States. Look into the Apollo Affair, NU MEC, the Dimona Nuclear Facility. One great source, if you like video, is this NuMeq documentary produced by Ryan Dawson. It's available for free on Rumble. It's an amazing resource that is super, super diligent.
Speaker 3:Tons of primary sources in here. Shout out to Ryan Dawson. And then that Jews, Muslims, and Christians live side by side in peace in Palestine before the Rothschilds purchased the country from Great Britain during World War 1. See the Balfour Declaration. Literally begins with the words, dear lord Rothschild.
Speaker 3:Like, how many families in this world have ever received a letter from the largest empire in the world, the British Empire, saying, dear family, we give you a country. When you dig into what they did to get this country, it's not not great. And then when you learn about the history of the founding of Israel and the paramilitary groups that fought to found Israel, Lehi, Irgun, and Haganah, look them up. Lehi and Irgun were declared terrorist organizations by Israel themselves after they are founded because the whole international community was so pissed. You can source that straight off Wikipedia, but you can dig way deeper on it if you want to.
Speaker 3:Worth digging into how Lehi actually wanted to be allied with the Nazis because they thought it would be a more effective way to get Jews into Palestine. These guys were, like, bombing British civilians to make the British want to leave, not just bombing Palestinian civilians, both of which are war crimes. And then the leaders and founders of these terrorist organizations went on to be the prime ministers of Israel on multiple occasions for the next, like, 30 years. You start to dig into the history of the previous prime ministers of Israel, and there's some super dark violent people that ran this country. And, like, that Israel is a foreign nation halfway across the world that has no business receiving my tax dollars.
Speaker 3:Like, why are we sending them 1,000,000,000 of dollars of our money while our country is burning and overrun by illegal immigration and all these other problems? Like, go ask Grok how many 1,000,000,000 of dollars we've sent to Israel. That's my money. Why are my tax dollars going to this other country? I don't want like, what?
Speaker 3:Like, Israelis have free health care and, like, free education, And we have homeless people on the streets, and no one can afford a thing over here. What's going on? This one up here got cut off, but there was an entire Israeli surveillance program leading into 9/11 titled the DEA report. It's a whole government report about these Israeli art students that were entering government buildings all across the continental United States. I linked to the entire DEA report as well as specific snippets.
Speaker 3:It's a massive report. I've read it through the whole thing, and it's like hundreds of instances of Israeli spies posing as art students trying to access government buildings all across the United States, clearly conducting surveillance operations on US soil in the years 2,000 and 2,001. So our greatest ally, but they're spying on us right before 911 in a big way. And then, like, call it an anti Semitic conspiracy theory all you want, but, like, there are FBI documents clearly showing that there were fake Israeli move moving companies all across the Eastern seaboard leading into 911, and that members of these moving companies were out photographing themselves with the view of the attack on the trade centers the day before the attack flicking lighters at the towers. And then the day of the attack, they were in position up to an hour before, witnessed by multiple people, up to an hour before the attacks in position to take photos and film of the attack.
Speaker 3:Never got any answers, and that is all documented in official FBI reports that you can
Speaker 2:Alright, guys. We are out of time. I wanted to get partial of that report, but big things are happening. Massive shifts are happening across the country. Thanks for tuning in to Noncompliant America.
Speaker 2:See more at Noncompliant AF.